Chapter3:The Shadows

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Years passed, and no one after Derek entered the cursed house again. Meanwhile, Lucy became a successful woman. She worked in London where she lived with her adoptive parents and forgot all about her childhood mystery. Until one day, Lucy was at work when a handsome man came and couldn't keep his eyes from looking at her, as she couldn't keep her eyes away from him. It was love at first sight! This man, Alex, fell in love with Lucy, and they began to meet each other and go on dates to know each other more. As they knew each other more, they fell in love more! So, Alex decided to ask for Lucy's hand in marriage from her parents after arranging a romantic surprise for her, and he actually did! Of course, Lucy said yes, being very happy! And after a while, the two got married!

Just when things were going right and Lucy got pregnant, one night, as she fell asleep, she saw a nightmare, or should I say a vision! A shadow of a woman and her girl kid were approaching Lucy. The girl was screaming and touched Lucy's hand, and the woman was holding a wooden stick and hit Lucy in her belly. Lucy woke up terrified to find herself at the hospital and no longer pregnant! Lucy began to cry, and weird dreams began to fill her mind like pieces of a puzzle. Every time she got pregnant, she had a dream that killed her embryo. Until she saw the last dream, which was the same little girl playing, this time in the garden with the same woman who seemed to be her mom. As the girl was swinging on the swing, she fell on a rock! After that dream, Lucy stopped seeing nightmares and finally got pregnant and gave birth to Emily, her beloved daughter!

Emily grew up to become a six-year-old girl, and wherever Emily went, her mother followed her. One day, Lucy began to notice some red dots following her kid wherever she went. Lucy saw supernatural events going on. One of them is that once Emily went to a cemetery on her own, and as a little girl, it's awkward to go to the cemetery alone, especially that Emily didn't even know the way! Lucy found her that day by following the red dots, and there she saw her daughter planting a white flower, just like the one she had when she was young! Lucy panicked and took her daughter to the house, knowing that there was something unusual happening with her daughter!

As years passed and Emily became a ten-year-old girl, she was saved thousands of times by her mother from death. Emily went every day to the cemetery, and there she sang a song about a mother and her daughter and unfairness in life. She sang it in the old church in the cemetery. Also, one time, Emily climbed a tree and wanted to commit suicide! Lucy rushed and saved her daughter, who seemed to be sleeping, and when she was saving her, she noticed a shadow, which couldn't be that of her daughter! After a while from this accident, Lucy saw her daughter Emily talking in a weird language that didn't even seem like a language but more like hallucinations with a shadow that didn't even look like her!

Day after day and year after year, Emily became a doctor and a successful mom. Lucy lived with her daughter and had a wonderful daughter, Elena, who was the most clever girl at her age. Elena and Lucy had wonderful times together; they played, laughed, studied, and even danced together! But unfortunately, Lucy's time with her Elena ended before they knew it! When Elena turned eighteen, one day, Lucy and Elena were talking and having fun, and suddenly, the house caught on fire. So, Lucy threw her Elena into safety and sacrificed herself, getting burned to death for Elena's safety. After the firefighters stopped the fire and found Lucy's body, Elena and Emily couldn't handle it; they cried a lot and made Lucy a fancy funeral that she deserves. After the funeral, Elena couldn't sleep all night and stopped crying; she felt very guilty, thinking she killed her grandmother. As she was crying, Elena heard her mom screaming, she went to hug her, thinking she was still screaming for her mom's death, but as she entered her mom's room, she saw two human-like girl's shadows, one tall and one short, both howling and had white wide eyes, but as she shouted and entered, everything disappeared!

 As she was crying, Elena heard her mom screaming, she went to hug her, thinking she was still screaming for her mom's death, but as she entered her mom's room, she saw two human-like girl's shadows, one tall and one short, both howling and had wh...

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