chapter one: flash freeze

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Drac was just staring out at the clouds when Ericka said, "hey Drac? Is it getting colder?" he replied "yeah it is, I've been eyeing the clouds they look darker than usual." Ericka took a step toward the window and peered out,"they look like snow clouds."she said."oooh it's starting to snow. let's go outside!" she said as she raced out of the room. five minutes later they were both in the doorway to the hotel when Ericka cried "IT'S SO WHITE!!" Drac chuckled softly and they walked out a few steps to look at the snow. "I never thought snow was so beautiful."she said "lets go for a walk." "ok" Drac says "let me just tell Mavis were we are going." Ericka covered her ears when Drac yelled "MAVIS WE ARE GOING ON A WALK, BE BACK SOON." then Ericka says "are you done?" Drac nodded, they held hands and crossed the frozen lake. Ten minutes later a strong gust of wind stopped them in their tracks."i think we should head back." Ericka said in a worried voice "agreed"said Drac. when they made it back to the frozen lake it was creaking because the wind was so strong. "We need to be very careful on the ice." Drac yelled, but his voice was whipped away in the wind. They started to cross, but Drac stepped on a weak spot on the ice and a loud CRACK could be heard above the wind. They both looked down and said , "uh oh" and they fell through the ice. Splash, they fell into the frigid water below. It was so cold outside the hole in the ice that they fell though, froze over in a seconds notice. Ericka gave Drac a panicked look. Then Drac balled one of his hands into a fist and broke a part of the ice, a small hole formed. Without much thought, Drac boosted Ericka up Through the hole and on top of the ice. She took a few big breaths of air before she turned back to Drac, he was still trapped under the ice. "Drac!" she cried banging her fists on the ice, but the ice was to thick and Drac was to delirious to do anything. Then something caught the edge of her vision. she crawled over to it and blindly reached for it. She grabbed the wooden handle, it was heavy and had two sharp points on its metal head, it was a pickax. "This will help me crack the ice." she said as she crawled back to Drac. she lifted up the pickax and slammed it into the ice, fracturing a large hole in the ice. She dropped the pickax to the side and reached into the water feeling around for Drac. then she felt something, like a hand. She grabbed it and pulled a lifless Drac up onto the ice. Drac!" she said, heartbroken. she sat down in front of him "Drac?" she said, he did not make a sound. She peered through the blizzard and saw the faint outline of the hotel."i-i think i can make it" she said standing up, grabbing Drac's wrists and started off towards the hotel. Mavis was staring through one of the front hotel windows "they should be back by now." she said. The blizzard was so thick you could not see five feet ahead of you. Then, the hotel doors opened and Ericka walked in, dragging Drac behind her. "You made it back." Mavis said, she caught a glimpse of her dad. "What happened?" Mavis said devastated "he-he needs h-help." Ericka stuttered collapsing on the floor, her vision blurry and then everything. went. black.

Mavis was watching Drac and Ericka through the ER window. Ericka was twitching, she was was having a dream. She was walking through a dark hallway with metal walls. Then she saw a dark shape appeared ahead. "Drac? Drac Is that you?" Drac didn't answer, but he snapped his head around to reveal glowing red eyes. "Uh, drac?" he didn't answer but without warning, he disappeared into a thin wisp of smoke. She took a few steps back, she hit something solid. She looked up to see Drac smiling devilish down at her. Without a moment's notice, Ericka took off running and Drac did not hesitate. She ran as fast as she could but Drac caught up without effort, he transformed into a wolf and clawed her shoulder. She stumbled into a wall,"why are you doing this?" she cried out in anguish, Clutching her shoulder. She didn't hear anything but a menacing snarl. He walked a few steps towards her and paused. For a second nobody moved......

Then he suddenly started sprinting to her, jaws open. just before he reached her, she woke up. She sat up and gasped for air, she looked around and then gingerly touched her shoulder."oh." Ericka said with relief," it was only a dream." "welcome back." said Mavis in the doorway "hey Mavis." said Ericka casually "long time no see." Mavis said."wait, how long was i out?" Ericka questioned. Mavis frowned,"you were out for.... 10 months" "what?"Ericka said, alarmed. "its true." Mavis said "but that's not the most surprising part." said Mavis, walking out of the room"then what is?" Ericka asked. Mavis walked back into the room holding something behind her back."well, what is it?" Ericka said Mavis smiled and took out a small black bundle and handed it to Ericka. Ericka looked dazed but took it without protest. she looked down at it, bewilderment in her eyes. Inside the blanket a small face could be seen. Ericka's gaze softened as she said,"he's adorable, who does he belong to?" Mavis giggled silently and said "he's yours." "say what now?" Ericka replied "he's yours and my dads" Mavis said. "He does look an awful lot like Drac." Ericka said."Drac is going to be so happy-." Ericka wavered."if he wakes up." she added dejectedly. Mavis nodded her head sadly. But on the other side of the room Drac was twitching and groaning."was i like that before i woke up?" Ericka asked Mavis "yeah, you were groaning and twitching too, i even saw you holding your shoulder, were you ok?" asked Mavis."it was just a nightmare, nothing major."Ericka said back "if you say so." Mavis said. they turned their attention back to Drac, who was twitching more violently now."he's about to wake up." Mavis said eagerly. not long after Mavis said that Drac sat up and was gasping just like Ericka when she woke up. He blinked a few times, looked around and then looked at Mavis and Ericka. "What happened?" he said groggily, holding his head."you were out for 10 months." Ericka said. "Really?" Drac said, looking shocked. Mavis nodded her head. Then he focused his attention on the small black bundle in Ericka's arms . Ericka smiled warmly and said "say hello, to your new son." "hi little one." Drac said affectionately then he asked "does he have a name yet?" "i actually just thought of one,*Diavolo" Ericka responded "thats a nice name." Drac said. They sat in silence for a few moments, Drac shattered the silence,"did you guys hear something?" he asked, Mavis and Ericka shook their heads. "I heard it again." he said "what is is?" the girls asked. "It sounds like...hi." they all looked confused for a minute, then they realized who it was, it was Diavolo, he was a telepath. "That's weird." Ericka said "me nor Drac have telepathic abilities, so how does Diavolo have them?" "that's a simple explanation." Drac said" usually vampire babies born during the full moon get telepathic abilities." Diavolo opened his eyes to reveal that they were pitch black. " what's wrong with him?" Ericka asked Drac, sounding distressed "hmmmm." "hey Mavis?" Drac asked "was Diavolo born at 12:00?" "yes." Mavis replied "that means he also has the power to see the future." "wow." said Ericka looking down at Diavolo, his eyes were no longer black, they were dark blue. That's when they all heard in their heads, the words, storm, rain , flood. "Is something going to flood the hotel?" Ericka asked Diavolo, he nodded his head and looked at the window. They all walked to it and looked out, they could see inky storm clouds rolling in on the horizon. "Well," Ericka started "let's go save the hotel."

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