chapter two : downpour

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"Sooooo, how are we going to save the hotel?" Mavis asked them. "We don't know until we get more details." said Drac, staring down at Diavolo. His eyes were black again, he blinked and they turned blue. Then they all heard the word sacrifice. "Sacrifice WHAT?" Drac asked Diavolo. Diavolo shrugged. A CRACK of lightning could be seen through the window. A drop of rain slithered down the window, than another and another, it was raining brutally. "We don't have a lot of time." Mavis said "maybe we should go outside to see if there is anything to help us. We don't have many more options," "it's the ONLY option" Drac retorted "can I come?" Ericka asked "sorry you can't." Drac said "well why not?" Ericka shot back Drac crossed his arms "oh, right." Ericka said looking down. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Mavis said walking out of the room, Drac not far behind. Outside, the wind was shrieking. "IS THIS SAFE???" Mavis yelled over the wind "ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT." Drac yelled back. They got half way across the bridge when they saw a white figure following them, it caught up." Ericka?" Drac said with disbelief "what are you doing out here? You are supposed to be inside with Diavolo." well.... I kinda brought him with me." she said with a sheepish smile. "ARE YOU CRAZY?????" he yelled to the wind "well i'm sorry, what else was i supposed to do with him?" she spat back "um, leave him in the hotel!?!?!" he flared. "Fiiiiine." she said, turning around "i'll take him back." "good idea." he grumbled. Her white shape disappeared in the lashing rain. A few minutes later she came back. "Ok, what now." she asked Drac and Mavis."we need more clues, but we don't have any." said Drac then they heard the word human in their heads. "Wow, such a great hint." said Ericka sarcastically. "No, wait a minute" said Drac "earlier we heard sacrifice, now we heard human and that spells..." "human sacrifice." said Mavis, horrified. They walked to the edge of the bridge and looked down, the river was raging and it looked twice its size . Then Ericka whispered "i'll go." "what!?" Drac said, repulsed. "You can't go and Mavis can't go, the storm wants me," she said "but..." he started "there is no denying it." Ericka said hugging him. After a few moments of silence. She walked to the edge of the bridge, and jumped. Before she started to fall, Drac caught her hand out of instinct. "Let go of me." she demanded, looking up "im sorry, but i can't let you die." he howled in sorrow she pulled out a silver pocket knife and put it up to his hand. "Let me go." she said again "i can't." he said and with that she sliced a small cut in his hand. It didn't leave much of a mark but drew a small line of blood. He let go of Ericka's hand in shock and pain. Once he realized what he did she was gone. Then the rain stopped, and the clouds cleared. Drac just sat there staring at his hand, it had completely healed. He looked at the way back to the hotel, and saw something moving. It was small. But Drac was too depressed to look, He sat down and glared at something in his fist Diavolo came up to him and Drac uncurled his fist, it was ericka's wedding ring. Diavolo looked at the ring for a moment. Then snatched it from Drac. "hey! Give that back!" Drac said but Diavolo was to fast for him. Diavolo transformed and flew to the hotel, the ring in his claws. Drac did not hesitate to follow, he transformed and flew after him. When Diavolo got inside he glided to a hidden staircase in a corner, and drifted down. "This is new" Drac said but still followed Diavolo. The staircase wasn't long, when Drac got to the bottom, Diavolo was placing the ring in the middle of a summoning circle. "Wha..." Drac sputtered. He crouched next to Diavolo, "how did you know about this place?" Drac asked Diavolo. My visions Drac heard in his head. "What do we do now?" Drac requested we wait Drac heard. Diavolo closed his eyes and sat quietly. They sat for i don't know how long, the circle started to glow."its working." Diavolo said in a tiny voice. "Wait, did you just talk?" said Drac Diavolo didn't respond but balled his hands into fists and squeezed his eyes, like he was concentrating super hard. All Drac could do is sit there and look confused. The glow got brighter until it flashed, it was so bright it temporarily blinded Drac. he stumbled into someone. "Hello?" he said, now super confused. Someone grabbed his hand "it's me." said an awfully familiar voice."it can't be." he said fighting back happy tears. "It is." she said, hoarsely. Now Drac could see clearly it was Ericka, she had come back from the dead. They walked into each other's arms and cried. "How did you bring me back?" Ericka asked. "You shouldn't be asking me." Drac said "then who?" she said. Drac turned his head to look at Diavolo, "him." said Drac. Diavolo looked up when he heard his name. Ericka keeled in front of him and brushed her hand gently across his cheek. Diavolo smiled and took something out of his pocket, It was her ring. "I thought i gave it to you." she said, looking at Drac."he.. Stole it from me." Drac said, blushing. "I'm not surprised." Ericka said, slipping it on her finger. She picked up Diavolo and said,"let's get out of here." "good idea." Drac replied, holding her free hand. She looked at him for a moment then they walked up the stairs to the hotel.

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