chapter 11 : labyrinth

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"What do you mean , WE ARE LOST?!" Mavis said, outraged." Diavolo stopped giving directions ten minutes ago." Drac said. "He fell asleep." Mavis argued. Then before anything else could happen. A pair of menacing , glowing eyes appeared 3 feet away. They did not hesitate a moment longer, and sprinted in the opposite direction. They eyes didn't give up pursuit and chased them. The two eyes turned into four eyes. Up ahead it was getting lighter, they made it out of the labyrinth! The four eyes turned out to be Surge and Ericka chasing them. Drac and Mavis stopped running and turned around. Surge and Ericka stopped running and were walking closer to them. "Why aren't they attacking us?" Drac asked. "They want to infect us." Mavis said, taking two steps back. Diavolo didn't look intimidated. He gestured to Drac to put him down. Diavolo plodded over to Ericka. She keeled down to look Diavolo in the eyes. Diavolo put a hand on her forehead. Ericka froze in place,then collapsed on the ground. "What did you do!? Drac said in alarm. I healed her. Diavolo said in his head. "Doesn't look like it." Drac said. Surge looked down at Ericka and reached a hand down to infect her. "Stay away from her." Drac yelled at Surge. Surge turned his head to stare Drac dead in the eyes. Surge's hand was centimeters from Ericka's arm."Dont....touch.....her..." Drac said in a grievous voice. Then Diavolo poked his foot. Surge bent down to look at him. Diavolo put a hand on his forehead. Surge froze and crumpled to the ground."will they wake up?" Drac asked. Eventually. Diavolo said. Drac went over and shook Ericka's shoulder. He thought for a moment then transformed into a wolf and started to lick her face!! :D. She sputtered and tried to put a hand over her face. It didn't work, he just kept licking her. "Ew, stop it!" she said playfully, opening her eyes. He transformed back and helped her up."i dont remember a thing." she said. "It's just like the mind control." Mavis said, walking up from behind Drac. "what did we do now?" Ericka asked. Drac replied , "we wait."

Thanks for reading! :)

If you read this story all they way to the end, I'm very surprised you have that stamina to read such a weird story. I hope you enjoyed it!

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