chapter 6 : faded

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"It was me." said the adult Diavolo, looking at the ground. "and now i regret it."

"Its ok." Drac said. "We have some time." the adult Diavolo said "do you want to look around?" "sure." said Mavis. And they all followed Diavolo into unknown territory. After a few minutes of walking they ran into a small town. The town was deserted, a tumbleweed skid past them. They wandered through the ghost town. "Why did they flee?" Ericka asked. "Because of the thing I did." The adult Diavolo said. "What did you do?!?" she almost yelled at him. He looked almost like he was crying. "I-i-i made a bomb." they all froze. "I-it detonated at the wrong time and blew everything up in a 10 mile radius." a tear dripped from his eye. "Who were you trying to blow up?" she said in almost a whisper. "i don't remember." he sobbed. A small piece of metal fell off of him. She picked it up and gasped. "What is it?" Drac asked, rushing over. She handed him the metal. He took in a sharp breath. "Someone was mind controlling him." he murmured. She nodded. "What??!!" the adult Diavolo shrieked. " I WAS BEING MIND CONTROLLED?" "yes." Drac said evenly. "But we still don't know who." he crushed it in his hand. "It's like a virus." Ericka said."it spreads from one person to the next." Drac nodded, then his eyes enlarged when he looked at her hand. "What?" she said, lifting one of her hands up. She looked at it with alarm. Her fingers were disappearing! " i need to get you home." said the adult Diavolo "i need to get all of you home. You have been in this time period to long you need to go back you you will fade COMPLETELY." he snapped his fingers and opened the portal. They all walked in "it was nice meeting you." Ericka said giving him a loving look right before she walked into the portal. They go to the other side and went back to the hotel. When they go to the hotel Ericka put Diavolo back to bed, but felt her shoulder strain. She peeked at her shoulder and looked horrified."uh, DRAC?" she called. when he got in the room. She said. "remember the dream i had and said it was just a dream?" "yes." he replied "i don't think it was a dream." she said showing him her shoulder. He looked horrified as well, her shoulder had three red claw marks. "It was a warning."

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