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The first day Harshad left for his business trip, Nandini stayed locked up in the haveli's library all alone. None were allowed to enter, not even Manik . She read up on the whole country and even the rest of the world, the different places she and Manik would go once they were free from this cage . Once she was done sightseeing Nandini looked up on the different types of cultures. She studied up on all the different ways people married one another and worried, just how Manik was going to marry her?

"Not against my will I guess," she sighed closing her book.

Nandini didn't see Manik once also that day, she just became lost in the wonderful world of books.


The second day Manik never left Nandini's side for even a second all throughout the day, as the previous day without seeing her was pure torture for him.

She made it up to him, many times over the whole day . It was a sweet day for the two of them, a very sweet one indeed. They relived their past and whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears, well more like Nandini was the one since all Manik whispered to her was things about different types of foods he is going to make her taste eat once they are out of here . Nandini finally got fed up and gave him a choice, food or her.

Manik made the wrong decision of teasing her by saying food, things did not turn so well for him after that but by the end of the day Nandini forgave him as she can never stay angry or upset with him for long . She counted off the days until their escape, just two more days to go .


The third day wasn't so good. Harshad had sent a letter to Nandini , normally she would have just tossed it but Alia was the one delivering it. Alia , being the hopeless romantic she was, opened the letter and read it out to her beloved Mistress herself. She wasn't aware of the fact that Nandini hated Harshad or that Harshad was with Nandini only because her Father wanted to, so Alia thought that the two of them were a normal happily in love who are getting married.

When Alia had finished reading the letter, the cup Nandini was drinking from slipped out of her fingertips and shattered on the floor.

"Choti Malkin !" Alia screamed in fright.

Nandini ignored the maid though and ran up to her, snatching the letter from her hands.

"I know you're excited and very happy but please Choti Malkin , look at the mess you've made." Alia said bending down.

Nandini ran out of the room. She cursed the long salwar touching the floor she was wearing because it only slowed her down, it even made her trip once or twice. She cursed as she kicked off her heels and picked her dress up a little and ran ; tears prickling in her beautiful eyes.

When Nandini busted into the kitchen, all her servants and maids froze. Manik nearly dropped the tray he was carrying upon seeing his Jaan crying. All he could think about was the reason or who, who was behind those tears ? Cabir was the one who gripped his shoulder tightly to hold him back from creating a blunder . There were too many witnesses around them, Manik couldn't risk a slip up or everything will be over.

Nandini knew that as well so instead of running into Manik's embrace her eyes scanned for Mukti .

"I, I fell." Nandini said lamely when she spotted her.

Mukti let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright everyone! Back to work!" She said clapping her hands.

She scurried her way towards Nandini and pretended to examine her.

"Is anyone free to help?" Mukti asked her co-workers.

Cabir worked like a ninja; he took the tray that Manik was carrying swiftly and pushed him forward.

A Twisted Forbidden Tale of LOVE. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz