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Cabir walked down the stairs towards the store room , with a company by his side . Though he seemed all calm and collected on the outside to keep his façade in front of Veebha , he was anything but that on the inside.

He just... didn't want to face Manik and let him free, no that wasn't right. He didn't want to be the one who would go and let Manik free. That was better, the pressure and guilt was just eating Cabir up. He didn't want to see the look his friend was going to give him, hear the sharp words that he was going to say or even feel the pain he was without a doubt going to receive from him; though he deserved to go through all of that.

Cabir was afraid, really terrified of his friend for the first time in his entire life. Especially since the last time he saw him, he had smashed the hard wooden stick against his skull.

He Definitely didn't want to be the one who set him free from that confinement ... but their choti malkin ... Nandini . Making up his mind , Cabir quickened his pace down the stairs taking two steps instead of one and jogged his way to the doors. He spared a glance at Veebha , who finally caught up, and nodded at her, a warning of some sorts for her to prepare herself from what's coming next . Once he unlocked the locks and opened the door wide, he expected the worst.

C- "Manik ? You can come o-"

Cabir didn't even get to finish his sentence, due to the fact that Manik grabbed him by his throat and shoved him against the wall. Yup, exactly as he predicted... expect he was still breathing.

Cabir thought that Manik would have killed him by now, he certainly had the weapon to do so. Cabir hadn't taken the wood pieces with him when he left Manik unconscious here the other day.

"Where's Nandini ?!" Manik yelled out loud .

"Cabirr!" Veebha screeched, never really witnessed violence before in her life.

Just the sound of Cabir being pushed into the wall or Manik 's hands tightening around his neck made her scared for her own life, not to mention made her stomach do flips making her sick . Cabir struggled to gulp and take an inhale of oxygen trying to act strong as he tried waving Veebha off.

"It's okay , I'm fine. She's," Cabir inhaled through his nose and completed the dreadful sentence "in Harshad 's room in the haveli by herself."

Manik 's heart sank. No, it couldn't have been true. It was like someone had crushed something inside of Manik , something precious and dear deep inside his heart. The one small tiny hope that Nandini could still be ONLY HIS , that something happened to the wedding and it was stopped... crushed brutally . His hold on Cabir weakened lost in his wild wave of emotions, before intense anger overtook him again making him shove Cabir against the wall again much harder than before .

"I SHOULD KILL YOU !" Manik yelled.

Cabir found it hard to speak now, he was actually turning blue chocking to death . Veebha 's eyes widened with fear. She was about to witness someone die right in front of her if she didn't do something quickly . Veebha didn't believe in violence, she believed in love so she did the only think she could do; she hugged Manik and gave him the comforting hug he needed at the moment.

Manik didn't want this person's arms around him, but felt some sort of comfort; enough to make his grip on Cabir 's neck drop. He stood there frozen and looked down at Veebha , watching her cry in his chest.

Cabir 's legs gave out and he fell on the floor , trying to catch his breath. His hand rose up and rubbed his neck thankful that veebha decided to come with him or else he would have been dead by now . He took a deep breath and coughed out loud, finding his voice. Veebha wouldn't be able to keep Manik back for long meaning Cabir only had one shot to convince Manik not to murder him.

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