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"How is she Manik ?" Veebha asked.

"She barely spoke to me and just picked at her plate, eating almost nothing ." Manik sighed running a hand through his hair.

"You've been with her since morning, there's no changes at all?" She asked.

"Veebha , she got ra-...that bloody basterd forced himself on her, Nandini's  strong but she can't bear everything. She is a human and like everyone she too has a limit till which she can bear. I just want to kill her father and Harshad " Manik said through gritted teeth.

"Even I feel hatred towards them Manik . To do such a thing to our choti malkin, how can a father be so ruthless and merciless towards his own child blood and I also don't get it how can he choose a man like Harshad for her. I have no words for him, I heard a rumour in the village that he has many women in his life, disgusting creep and the Master says he is very loyal my foot! . " Veebha let out a frustrated sigh.

Tears started prickling in her eyes when words seemed to fail her. Manik jumped up in surprise and started looking around, as if someone would come to save him. When no one came to his rescue he did not know what to do to stop her from crying ,finally finding no way out he placed his hand on her shoulder .... As That's all he knew to do.

"Things used to be so much better for her when bari malkin, her mother was alive. Nandini was so happy but now, now!" Veebha shook her head and covered her face with her hands.

Late Mrs Raichand , Nandini 's Mother. During all this years that Manik 's been working for the Raichand , Nandini never once mentioned her Mother or even talked about her. There was only that one time when Manik almost sat on her mother 's chair out in the gardens, Nandini had yelled at Manik so much that day it nearly gave him a heart attack, after that she started crying and locked herself in her room for the rest of the day.

The next day after she came out, she apologized and they never spoke about it again. Manik quickly realized and understood that Nandini 's mother was a touchy sensitive subject for her and avoided that chair ever since.

"You weren't here yet Manik , and when you finally came to the haveli, you were too young to know about this that Nandini completely cut herself off even her heart from everyone, from the rest of the world.

It didn't happen at first when bari malkin passed away, She still tried to smile and show us that she was alright but we knew she was not . Her Father was of no use to her, he was never actually was and with no one else to help her, one day Nandini just stopped smiling. She stopped laughing and playing and having fun like a normal child of her age should......then you came Manik ." Veebha said wiping her tears.

Manik had never heard of this before. His eyes widened slightly as he gave her his full attention.

"You entered her life, you broke through her walls which she had created around herself and her heart and she smiled, it was a miracle. She laughed, she joked, she played, she started talking again and being more active. Sure she still had some rough times but that still made me happy knowing that this time she would confide to us, her friends when it happened and not lock herself up . You saved our choti malkin, my friend countless times Manik and for that we're all very grateful." Veebha said.

Manik didn't know what to say, he was at a loss for words.

"Life seemed beautiful to her, she started living her life again with you by her side. But then again Harshad happened , it was a shock for all of us you know and now this marriage . If only badi malkin was still with us, everything would have been fine ..... And I am sure she would have loved you Manik ."

Finally Veebha had said something to which Manik could respond to.

"How do you know that she would have loved me ?" He asked.

Veebha giggled and smiled sweetly at him, and simply stated "Because our Nandini loves you."


Manik tossed and turned on his bed that night. He couldn't sleep knowing Nandini was in that man's bed tonight, as she would be for every night they were husband and wife.

Husband and wife.

That is what Nandini and he were supposed to be.

"Manik goddamn it! I have to wake up really early in the morning so will you stop tossing around and sleep!" Cabir yelled.

Manik didn't respond and just moved around again, lying on his side so he would be facing Cabir 's bed. He could see his figure in the dark, turning around and sleep facing  him .

"Why out of everybody who works here, did I have to get stuck with you as my roommate?" Cabir mumbled.

"Cabir! " Manik spoke.

Cabir 's eyes widened in the dark. Why? It wasn't because Manik didn't yell out his name, it wasn't because Manik didn't name insult him in some way. It was because the way he called him, his voice filled with helplessness, pain.

"I- I don't know how to help her. I don't know how to reach her anymore. She is not even responding to me " Manik said.

... Girls. A tricky subject for Cabir , a very tricky, obsessed, stalkerish subject.

"It's just been a day Manik . You can't expect to reach her in a few hours after something like that she's been through. It'll take time, effort and patience " cabir answered softly and slowly .

MA- "It shouldn't have been something in the first place though! I should have-"

C- "You weren't Manik ! You weren't there. You guys were supposed to run away elope from here before things got more complicated and messy than it was already was , but you didn't or couldn't which doesn't matter anymore, and Nandini got screwed over! Instead of dwelling on it why don't you try to move on?!"

"How can I move on from that?! How could you even suggest such a thing to me?!" Manik yelled getting mad.

C-"Because the sooner you do the sooner Nandini will be able to."

And just like that, Manik 's anger vanished.

"What?" He asked confusedly.

"I'm sure Nandini wants to just forget about the whole thing more than anyone in this whole world so why don't you help her? Forget about it Manik , don't mention it ever and move on. If you don't then you'll keep dwelling on it and you'll keep reminding Nandini about what's she's been through. Then the two of you will just...... fall apart." Cabir said squeezing his hand tightly. And that was the last thing anyone had wanted for the two of them, to drift apart.

Silence. Just when Cabir thought he could sleep now and closed his eyes, Manik asked.

"So what do I do?"

He sighed, wasn't the answer obvious for that one?

"What you've been doing with her all along before the incident the same thing , shower her with your love, make her happy, hold her hand stay by her side never let it go even if she pushes you away from her, just don't break down and give up, be a true man. You both are medicine for each other to heal each other..... You know she needs you more than anything , even if she says she doesn't want you " after saying this Cabir went back to his sleep....

And here Manik listened to Cabir's each word attentively and realised that he cannot be weak now, he needs to be strong for both of them, while thinking about all this and with determination and hope in his eyes to bring back his Nandini, Manik closed his eyes.....


Here is the next chappy...

Few words on today's update...

Bye TC next time 😁👋👋

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