Chapter One-

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Here's my new story! I really hope you guys like it! I worked really hard on it! Give me a chance!

The updates should be pretty fast I have the first ten chapters already written!


Chapter 1-

"You can't just leave her! She is only fourteen!" Jessica exclaims from the hallway outside my room.

"Stop being over dramatic, she has you and Caden, and we shouldn't be gone too long! You know how work is," my mother counters.

My parents are always gone for business. They are only home for months at a time. To say my sister, brother, and I are dependent on each other would be an understatement. We are all each other has, we only trust one another, and that's how it will always be. My mom is apparently breaking the news to Jessica that she is once again leaving us.

"Mom? Are you leaving again?" I ask to confirm, opening up my door.

"Oh sweetie you should be in bed, but yes I'm afraid so," she replies giving me a fake depressed face, I can tell she is faking it because her expression looks forced.

"You just got back last month though," I tell her, tears threatening to fall down my face. They always do this to us. They never even get us a nanny! Her excuse is always, "You guys have each other, isn't that enough?" Even though we know the real reason is that she doesn't want to spend any more money on us.

"You think I don't know that? What kind of mother are you trying to make me out to be? We have to leave again it's not like we have a choice," she says sounding annoyed more then anything. I turn to see Jessica with a pissed off expression.

"Well can I come with this time?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"Sorry, but no. You need to stay home for school," she replies not looking sorry at all. We both know that's not the real reason I can't come, she's not worried about my education. I could miss everyday of the week from school and she still wouldn't care. She just doesn't want to have to take care of me, she never has, Caden and Jessica practically raised me.

"Mom of the year right?" Jessica asks me sarcastically. This only makes mom angry.

"That's enough! I'm leaving tell your brother I said bye, love you both!" my mom says descending the stairs, blowing us a kiss.

"Our mom is leaving for who knows how long and the best she can do is blow us a kiss!" Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Better then dad I guess, he didn't even say bye before he got into the car," I comment tears coming to my eyes.

"Taylor, I know it hurts when they leave, but you have Caden and I don't forget that," Jessica looks at me sincerely.

"Promise you'll never leave me behind Jess?" I ask her seriously.

"Taylor, I swear no matter what happens I will NEVER leave you behind," Jessica tells me crushing me to her in a hug. I accept the embrace knowing my sister truly is the only one there for me.

"Jess, Tay? What's going on?" My brother asks coming into the hall. Caden is a year older then Jessica, which makes him seventeen.

"Mom and dad left again, mom says 'bye.' Sorry you missed out on the kiss she blew us," Jessica tells him, which only makes him chuckle.

"Man, not again! Those are totally the best, I always miss out," Caden snaps his fingers smiling, which makes me giggle.

"You ok Tay?" he asks me getting a serious face. I'm usually the one who takes it hardest when they leave, I mean I know my parents are horrible for leaving us all the time, but they weren't always like this. They didn't use to always leave us, and I still love them.

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