The puppeteer - At the edge of sanity

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I'm a slave..

I'm just a slave..

He thought to himself, trying to make himself accept his fate. Trying to endure the torture William put on him,  trying to remain his little insecure sanity remained in him.  He couldn't see anything but darkness,  his eyes, his mouth has been bind and his limbs has been chained. 

How long?  How long has it been since he got back here?  How long has he been left down here on the cold floor only to be sex toy?  The vibrators never make him feel any better,  he couldn't sleep with those over stimulating his body.  And sleep is his only way to escape the pain. What will he do if he lost his sanity? 

Will his master throw him on the street?  Back when he was a little boy, his master never told him anything much but what he classified as necessary.  In one of the events he was told that pain and logic thoughts will keep his sane,  which is why whenever he lose it,  William will hurt him more and brainwash him with the rules

That's right,  the rules of William,  the rules he must obey as his slave. 

You might find it crazy of what he did next, what happened to people when they are at the edge of sanity. 

One, two, three

He bump his own head to the cement floor,  then he croaked, muffled by the binder on his mouth "rule.. N-number one.. Obey my m-master"

One,  two,  three

"Number two.. Ah.. M-make m-money"

One, two, three, four

"T-three.. S-spread my.. Legs"

One, two, three, four, five

"Urk..  F-f-four.. C-clean T-the house"

He trembles and shivers very hard with the pain,

.. I don't want to be crazy..

.. I don't want to be like William..

One,  two,  three.  He stomp harder this time

"Argh gak!..  F-five..ugh..I- I never exist" he almost cried when he croaked it. 

One, two, three. He gasp

"You are born to be a killer"

"Accept your fate.. Monster"

"A.. A..  S-s-six.. K-keep my m-mouth a.. S-shut ngh"

one,  two, three.

He didn't stop until he lost his consciousness.. Which never came.

He is so desperate.. So afraid of losing himself.  All thoughts in his head are corruption,  he saw nothing but blood and torture.  He doesn't want that.  He don't want to think of those horrific warzone he has been.  Those corpses, people he have killed. He knows what he have become, he tried to deny it.. But he can't.

He was sent to the military for one whole year that feels like forever not only to be trained as a slave

.. But to be trained as someone who could endure pain and torture

.. Trained to be in bloodbath

.. Trained to be a monster

.. A killer

William found him panting on the floor in a small puddle of blood of his own.  He knocked himself so hard,  but he didn't stop.

William chuckled with what upon his sight,  "you never failed to amuse me" he grab the boy by his hair and whistle when he didn't scream from the pain. "It was the right choice to send you away" he observed the bloody face, "don't you know how much I miss you hmm? Of course, I never like an insolent slave like you" he lick his neck "but I miss your body"
He pulls out the vibrators out from him forcefully making the boy moans in pain.

".. and your scream"

William place him on his large leg, rub his body and whisper to his ear "did you enjoy your lessons?" He chuckled "they sent me a lot of videos of you.. I found it so.. Delicious" he bite the wounded neck, but his smaller mate didn't react.  He remain in silence,  he couldn't see anything and unable to move with all this chains on him.. He's not going to resist his master even if he is not bound by these chains.

He was slammed on top of his master cock. His master's lust for his body never seems to be end..  He jerk with each grindings.  It was so deep inside that it's hurt to move.  He let William be in charge,  that's what he like and his slave couldn't have know better.

"So..  You know why are you here.. Don't you?" He questions as he keep thrusting him.

"Mgh.. Ngh" he tried to agree with him. William chuckled and hit him up harder. "Don't you like it..?  To see those crimsons all over you" he bite his ear

"Ngh.. Hgh" William smirk,  I can't wait to see it" he press him to the floor and pump him faster until he reach his climax and force all his length into him to shoot.  He ripped open the binder at his eyes,  lusting to watch the slave's face as he filled him with cum.  The slave arch to his back and his teary dead eyes rolls to the back of his head.  William seems to be so satisfied with the reaction. He ripped the clothes that gagged his mouth to heard him panting and so red in heat. He thrust him a few more times before he pulls away "a.. "

William chuckled.  "You can't live without my cock don't you?" He claim proudly "I told you..  I'll fuck you hard until you can't live a day without our skin slapping infact.. " he lean closer to him ".. You're mine" he kiss him,  stole his breath and suck his tongue hard

"Mm.. Mn.. " the slave moans between the kiss. 

He pulls away with string of saliva between their mouth,  leaving his slave panting harder. William slowly get up and speak "tonight.. You'll have your first work here"

"Y-yes.. M-master" 

.. Have I.. Got too much sex that I.. Seems to accept it..?

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