The puppeteer - sane

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When.. When did the world became so dark.. No.. It was dark
, it always did.. But this time it was darker.. Having memories that contained so much pain.. Nothing but suffering.. Feeling so hopeless... Pathetic.. Nothing good comes from remembering the past.. The good face of his mother; faded from his mind. The fearful memories of beatings, abuse.. It all what seems to be working well.. Working well..

Working well..

The dead boy swallow his skin after a very long chew, he tried to savor the taste of a meal after three weeks without food. Laying on his side, locked in a small, dirty, rusty dog cage. Treated like a cursed..


The dead eye rolled slowly trailing the voice, doesn't dare to make any move.. Any sound..

"Over here little boy"

Ah.. There, his eye stop at the right location where the sitting corpse is. Wasn't the air feel colder now?

"I'm hungry, what are you eating? Give me some"

Zylen paused. Staring into the same spot for a good minute that feels like forever. Trying to figuring out himself if what he see, what he heard is real.

He's dead isn't he? Why is he talking? He asked himself so many times throughout the years.. But he never gets the answer. Maybe being the death does not mean they are dead..

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Come on now give me some"

..master said

".. Come on, you're a good boy aren't you?"

Zylen trembles upon hearing what the whisper said.

.. Zylen.. Zylen is a good boy.. I-I am a good boy..

He nodded as he trembles harder. It's so dark.. Why did he see the sitting corpse nod back at him? With it's lazy hanging neck, staying low like the head is going to drop.

His teeth grind just a little bit and he pull, ripping a straight line of skin from the back of his arm, his teeth chatter as he Split it from his body with his front teeth.

"That's it, that's it. Go on"

His hand move very slow to grab it with his fingers.. The multilated hand.. A thumb and a another finger that left..

He didn't move again. Not knowing what to do next.. Waiting for the next orders

"Good, now toss it here"

Zylen doesn't respond to it.. Not because he can't hear it.. But he doesn't have the strength to.. He dropped it right outside the bars, he can't reach out further.. He can't even lift himself up

"Why Aren't you listening to me? So insolent.. You pretend to be dumb don't you? You're not a good boy"

Zylen gasps and his body started shaking ".. Zylen.. G.. -ood b.. Zyl-.. Is.. Boy" should he scream now? Master won't be happy. But he's already feeling so scared. He should tell them to stop.. But they will never stop.. They never listen

"No you're not! How dare you say that when you are being so ignorant, you didn't listen to your master, your own father, and even your beloved mother"

"Mo.. -ther.." His chest was filled with the familiar pain again.. Familiar.. But never once it does not hurt.

"Yes your mother, why do you think she won't help you? Why do you think she let your father kick you around the house all the time?
.. Yes, because you are being Insolent.. Ungrateful to your own parents"

..but mr Connel said what was done to him is wrong.. It's not his fault.. They are abusing him.. They tortured him..

"No, Zylen.."

Zylen gasps when he heard that voice, it's the Voice that he yearn for, its the voice he would never forget even parted for ten years long.

"M-ma.. "

"I know what they told you Zylen, but they are wrong Zylen, I love you so much. What we have done to you was never wrong.. You are sick Zylen, it's all in your head"

Zylen tried his best to reach his bleeding hand out between the bars. .. ".. Ma- " reaching out to the same pitch black corpses he saw earlier. Was it the corpse? Or was it her? Why did the corpse sounds like her? Why did she became a corpses? Is she dead? Did he kill her as well?

.. Mother.. I didn't kill you right? Please no.. Please..

Tears formed into his only eye, he tried his best to lift his own head, which dropped a few times in his tries

He wanted to see her, but his blurry vision doesn't help

"Zylen.. It was all your fault"

Zylen gasps, he felt like his heart could have stop with how much pain squeeze his chest.

"Mom.. Pl-ease.. D-nt.. E.. Pl-.. Don't.. Leave.. Me" he begged as his hand tried to reach further.. Why did she appear when he was locked in this cage.. Why now.. When he can't touch her.. Can't even see her..

.. I'll be good.. I'll be good.. Please don't leave me.. Please don't leave me again..

"Hey, that food looks good! Give me some too"

"Me too!"

"Hey I want it too!"

He doesn't even asked for explanation.. all he wanted was for her to stay..

"Mo-m.. Please.. Nt.. -eave.. Me"

"Goodbye Zylen.. "

"N-no.. Ple-.. Nt.. Go.. " he started to cry when she bid her farewell to him. Reaching his hand out to her. Wishing she will take him out from the cage or even hold his trembling hand. "M-om.. Please.. -om.. "

Then her voice was no longer heard but the others

"Hey I'm talking to you!"

"You've ate us before now it's our turn"

"Plea... Come.. -ack.. P-lease.... "

.. Take me with you...

.. I can't survive without you..

.. Please don't leave me with this monster..

.. I love you... I'll do anything.. Please stop fighting with father, please stop hurting my mom.. Please stop making her cry..

I love her.. I love her so much..

"I-l-love.. You.. Mo-.. Ther" he cried

"Hey where's the food?"

"You think she love you?"

"we will kill you"

"M-om..p-ease... T-take.. M.. -lease.. -ke.. " his tears streaming down his face, one tears after another. Crying so hard for a mother he loved.. For a love he desperately need.. For an escape from this endless nightmare..


William creaked open the basement door, he could already heard the whimpers and sobs,

He walked in and found him curled in the dog cage with his hand reaching out for a outside the cage. "that's where you belong wasn't it?" He said sarcastically. Slowly, he approaches Zylen.

The replied is how much Zylen curled further into himself and cried harder, doesn't even dare to try to reach out again "Why are you so useless.. " William spoke boringly. "No client would want you in this condition" he looked down and tap the pail with his shoe. "You thirsty?"

The Puppeteer Part 3Where stories live. Discover now