The Puppeteer - The pain of the past

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Zylen is here, in this unknown world.. unknown place. Trapped. He was desparate to safe the child infront of him. The coldness gives him chills through his bone. The sounds of the whimpering child trapped in the cage broke his heart..the sounds of footsteps shaken his soul

..and its getting closer and closer

Zylen tried to free the small child. Kneeling towards the cage, trying to break open the door "I'll get you out! I'll safe you!" The small child look up to him. And it froze Zylen.

The child got a pair of emerald green eyes. Shining with swimming tears in his big eyes. His face was red and wet with tears. The small lips was trembling as he look up to him. The eyes was pleading for safety, pleading for a shelter. For a help, longing for a mother to comfort him. The small hands reach out to him, holding Zylen's hand on the bar with his small fingers, trembling so hard as he whimpered. "..Mama.."

He want his mother. Zylen couldn't help but to have tears in his eyes as well. Who is this adorable child..he is so beautiful and innocent. How can he ended up here, locked, alone in this cold unforgiving darkness


Before Zylen could even finish his words. The door was kicked open. The slamming noise almost gave him a heart attack. He violently swing his head to see pair of feet approaching so fast. Before he could do anything the small child has started wailing in overwhelming fear. The child was holding on to him. Crying helplessly, wanted to be safe form the pain.

"What the fuck was that noise!!? Who the fuck are you!!?" The yelling could crush his eardrum. Fear drowned him.

..and the voice was so familiar


"Argh!!" He was kicked on his chest, forcing to fall to his back. The small child cried harder as his grip was separated from Zylen's hand, crying as he witnessing the violence infront of him crushing his humanity.

Zylen tried to cover himself between his cough, the kick was painful enough to make him gasps and squirms, but the man gave him no chance, before he could do anything the large hand gripped his neck roughly, pulling him to get up and throw to the wall. Punches, one after another, the large fist was so violent. Zylen almost passed out. When the man finally let him go, he fall leaning to the floor with blood running down his nose and lips. The crying.. he could still hear it echoing in his head. But his head was so heavy.

He saw the black figure of the man standing so high and tall infront of him, covered by his own shadow looking down to him. Watching him making sure those beatings will handle him

Another wailing was heard when the man kicked the dog cage with anger. Scaring the small child inside "Who the fuck is him huh!? How did he get in!?" But the small child didn't reply him, because he was covered with fear in his cruel world. He squirms into himself, crying.

"Stop that shit!! You saw how did he get in don't you!!? You better tell me now or you'll get your punishment!!" Scaring the boy doesn't give him the answer he wanted. Upon hearing the word 'punishment' the boy started begging " please!Please don't hurt me..!" he hugged his small body further and keeps wailing.

And the man was pissed. He kick the cage until it rolled and flipped over. The small child inside saw how the world spin so fast, all he felt was pain as his small body hit and bump to the random spaces in that small cage. He will get bruises all over him because of this. In his blurry vision filled with tears, he saw the cage was unlock. He screams and tried to push, squirms his small body further into the cage avoiding the large him. But the cage was so small for any escape. The large hand catch the child by his neck, the hard stomp and the strength froze the small child from crying. It was too much for the small body to take..

The Puppeteer Part 3Where stories live. Discover now