The Voice he lost

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.. He chained me..

Zylen was frozen on the wooden table. He doesn't know what to do anymore.. He had cried for days.. Cried for William, cried for his little fucked up life..

He look at the chain that bind his wrist that had turned blue due to the tightness, he couldn't feel his limbs anymore..

He went through this almost his whole life.. When will things change and get better..?

When will William come back to feed him? Or will he come back to hurt him more..?

He doesn't know.. William is so unpredictable..

He spent a few more days isolated in the darkness with no sound.. Nothing to see but his nightmares.. Nothing to heard but his own cries..

Is he even still alive..?

Why would death will be any different from his situation right now..? He's just a living zombie.. Waiting to be released.. Waiting to be hurt.. Waiting to be loved..

What is Isaac doing if he is still alive? Will he still be talking and smiling like he always did? Or will the afterlife treat him well? How does it feel to be dead? Will he still meet people? Eat? Talking with others?

Or he just remained in the darkness like Zylen did..

If he died will he able to meet Isaac?

The urge to kill himself is growing again.. The urge to end his miserable life.. To just put an end to his suffering..

But thinking of his mother that could be somewhere in this world.. Still alive.. Still eating and sleeping well.. Kept him alive.. He wanted to see her.. He wanted to talk to her and tell her how much he love and miss her..

Another days spent with his tears..

Living in nothing but the painful memories.. And his own head..

He keep yearning for his hope to meet everyone like the Connels family.. And to meet someone like Isaac and Emily..

.. Which would probably never happen anymore..

That's how Zylen keep on living all these years in his suffering.. His heart will keep hoping.. But reality and his head would kill him all over again and again..

He had no purpose.. Never once think about ambition, things to do.. Having a family.. And any other people of his age would think of..

After waiting for what feels like eternity.. William finally open the door and walk inside.

Zylen didn't say anything or do anything, he kept on staring to the walls.. With bitter and painful memories in his head..

He said nothing when William spoke in his deep creepy voice "Had enough fooling around you good for nothing shit?"

He knows.. He know William will said painful things to him.. And how much it would damage his broken heart..

Yet, not saying anything makes William pissed.

"Tch.. Fucking slut.. " William cursed. Then he approached Zylen forcing him to sit by pulling his hair. Zylen contained the pain and make no sound.

"Do you have any idea how long have you been spacing out and did nothing? What? You think this world would stop moving? Are you that stupid to keep behaving this way ungrateful bastard? Wake up fucking retarded shit! This world can move even without you, you will do your 'job' get money, and satisfy me you hear me?!"

The Puppeteer Part 3Where stories live. Discover now