Chapter Twenty-Five: Do Something

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"It was all for moot." I whispered, as I cradled my head with my knees, on the castle floor. "God, where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve this punishment?"

First, I get stuck and stalked by an evil master vampire, then I was forcibly removed from my lover, and now?

My fiancé was missing.

I rubbed a heavy hand over my face, before standing up, and looking out the window.

"Is it legal to chip another person?" Blake grunted. "I had Quinn chipped a long while ago, because I'm always worried when he runs around town."

Alucard was brushing fingers through his ridiculous mane. "I couldn't do that to Oliver," his Hungarian accent rolled on his tongue like soft chocolate. "I think its inhumane, he's not a dog."

Blake snorted. "We're inhumane. We literally slaughter humans to survive."

I sighed, leaning my head against the cool glass, the moon reminding me of Camden.

"You'll get him back, young one. Even if we have to rip throats and tear hearts to do so." Alucard gruffly replied. "I never knew a dhampir who could cause so much trouble for themselves..."

"I know, but its more than that. It's his lineage. I just wish I could have him back in my arms..."

"If you want him back so bad, quit bitchin and do something!" Blake threw his lighter at me.

"Oww..." I rubbed my head. "Go get your boy, and give it to him good." Blake smiled. "I bet he's a freak in bed."

I went thermonuclear.

"Oliver is wild in bed," Alucard laughed. "He wears shiny, jeweled lingerie to entice me, and always seems to have a bowl of cherries around when he's horny. Then, he'll grab me by the hair and tell me to--"

"God, I can't take this anymore. You guys are ridiculously old! This is like listening to your grandparents having sex!"

Blake laughed at me. "Pussy."

I flipped him the finger. "Does anyone have any plans on how we could retrieve him?"

"We have to figure out where he is first, numbnut. "

"Who's the guy who took him again?"

"A blond incubus named Alex."

Alucard let that roll around in his head. "Shit..." he whispered. "I know where he is, but the problem is we may be too late. Alexander is known for amnesia inducing herbs."

I lowered a brow. "You know him?"

He scoffed. "Who doesn't know Alexander the Great?"

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