11 - My nickname

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Yeri pov*

I was planning on going home since I didn't feel like meeting anyone but Nayeon asked. I was going to decline but I thought, maybe, just maybe,  I can ignore my feelings for him and have fun tonight. Also tomorrow is the weekend, so why not.


She jumped in excitement and told me to meet her in the ground floor at 7:30pm, then she skipped off into the distance. I just smiled and went back to my office. But my clumsy self forget that I was suppose to avoid him the whole day.

As I enter the room, Jungkook turned his head and glared at me, I could see flames in his eyes. I then tried my best to escape the room but the perks of being slow, he caught me. He gripped my wrist and pulled me back into the room. I tried to let go of his grip but he was too strong, I could sense people staring at us, they looked scared.

When we both enter the room, he slams the door and locks it, making me jump back.

"WHERE WERE YOU!" He shouted at me. I couldn't answer back, I was scared, this was not the Jungkook I work with, fall in love with and became childhood best friends with. He was the exact opposite.

He yanked my arm so hard that it felt dis-located. We are now inches apart, his terrifying stares made me feel weak, reminds me of my old past.


Ever since my parents business started improving, they become spoiled. They didn't love me like when I was young. They still pay for my school fees and food but they never loved me. No one asked me "How was school?" or "How's your day?", except for my amazing maid, she took care of me and I considered her my mother.

We finished out final exams and I got a B+ for my result. I was happy, it was average. When I opened the door, my mom rush towards me.

"I'm back, my grades are out, I got a - " Before I could finish my sentence, my mom grabbed my wrist and glared at me with anger. She then yank my arm, making me fly to the edge of the table. 

Bang. There was a loud sound in the room, my head hitted the edge of the table, pools of blood started to form. I felt unconscious but someone grabbed my shoulders.

"WAKE UP! We paid so much for your school and this is how you repay us, B+. You deserve this" It was my father, he then let go of me, making me hit the cold, hard ground again.

Before I fainted, I heard a scream, it sounded like my maid, my real mother, Irene.

End flashback

I didn't want to re-live the past again, my whole body started to shake, tears rolled down my eye uncontrollably, sweat was dripping, I could feel my face feel pale and eventually, I fainted.

Jungkook pov*

Yeri, whats wrong with her. She's shaking so much and her face is so pale. I didn't mean to scare her this much, I'm sorry Yeri.

I've been sitting in my office for an hour, while Yeri is sleeping on the couch, she has a high fever. I called Nayeon that I couldn't go and she asked about Yeri, so I told her that she was sick and she understood.

Yeri fever wasn't going away and her face started to get paler and paler. I didn't know what to do. I thought, what if Yeri ended in the hospital, because of me! Then I would never forgive myself.

I couldn't leave her here nor, I didn't know where Yeri lived, so I took her to my house. 


I had to bridal style carry her, she was shockingly light. I placed her on my bed. I went down to prepare a towel and some water. Luckily, she wasn't wearing uncomfortable clothes so I wouldn't have to take it off. Her fever has not been recovered but it got better.

I then went to shower in my bathroom, I had to be quiet and fast in case her fever started to act up again. I wore a sweater and sweatpants and my glasses. I then went out to see Yeri, fast asleep, her face went back to normal. I went up to her and touched her forehead and the fever got better. I smiled, she look so cute when she sleeps.

As I walk towards the door to sleep in the guest room. She called my name, my nickname that no one knew except for one person.



Hello again, I didn't have time to recheck the story since I have a test tomorrow, wish me luck :) Hope you enjoy.

Opinion: Red Velvet costumes got better when they were performing for the different university/college but Summer power ranger at the Dream concert 2019 was not it. Joy and Wendy got acceptable, Irene was weird and Yeri and Seulgi deserve better. SM, please treat our girls well.

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