First kiss

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Gasp! It's not a texting chapter? Whattttt.

Todoroki POV:
My alarm blared, I groan and slowly open my eyes. I was going to stay in bed but then I realised I'M TALKING TO BAKUGO TODAY! "Fuck! I need to get ready I need to shower! I need everything!" I jump out of bed and and get in the shower I massage my hair with the finest hair washes and exit the shower. I put on my uniform and looked over myself in the mirror "It will do." I slowly make my way to kitchen grab an apple and leave.

Bakugo POV
I hear my mom scream my name and tell me to get up I open my eyes slowly and scream back "SHUT IT! YOU OLD HAG!" I ran to the shower and washed my hair when I exit and I get changed into my uniform I look at my hair in the mirror and explode it. "There we go, time to go dazzle Icyhot!" I check the time "Shit! I'm late!" I run out the door ignoring my mothers

Le time skip:

I enter class panting I can feel everyones eyes on me "Bakugo, your late." Mr Aizawa points out. "I woke up late" I growl back. He just shrugs and goes back to teaching. I turn a bit so I can see icyhot he gives me a small smile and I can't help smile back.

Todoroki POV:
I give Bakugo a small smile and he smiles back! I feel a blush creep on my face I try to hide it by putting my head in my hands but it was to late I know he saw. For the whole lesson I was going through basic conversation starters and trying to teach myself to have an awkward free conversation. The bell rings and everyone begins to leave class I don't notice Bakugo coming up to my desk. "Hey Icyhot!" I jumped and looked at Bakugo "Hello Katsuki!" I hear gasps as people look at our conversation especially the broccoli head he looks beyond confused. "Uh, why is everyone looking at us?" I hide behind Bakugo a bit because I'm not used to all the attention. Bakugo sees this and glares at everyone they all quickly got back to there own thing. "So" I began "So" Bakugo carried on. "Why is it so easier to talk in text" I groan. Bakugo chuckles and shrugged.

Bakugo POV:
I try to take Icyhots advice and listen in class but it's no use my mind just keeps going back to Shoto. The bell goes and I get up and look at Icyhot he looks so cute when he's daydreaming I decide to go and snap him out of it "Hey Icyhot!" He jumps "Hello Katsuki!" Gasps fill the room and I feel eyes on me and Todoroki "Uh, Why if everyone staring at us?" Todoroki goes behind me a bit and I get the message I glare at everyone and they get back to what they were doing. "So" Todoroki says "So" I carried on Icyhot groans and says "Why is it so easier to talk on text?" I chuckle and shrugged. I sigh and ask "So wan't to have lunch together?" Now I hear everyone stop talking and just look at me in complete shock "Stop looking, or I will blow each and everyone of your faces off!" I heard Todoroki snicker behind me and I smirked. I grabbed his hand and led him out the class room. I led him to the roof and we sat. I turned to look at him and his whole face was red 'cute'.

Todoroki POV:
My whole face was red and I cant stop it, embarrassed I look away. "Hey Todoroki." I look forward "Yeah?" I heard Katsuki sight "I'm really glad I met you." I smile and look at Bakugo "Me too, you have made me so happy." We both looked into each others eyes and slowly started to lean forward my eyes fluttered closed and I felt warm lips on mine.

Ooo, Cliffhanger hope you enjoyed this It's a bit crap i know I was struggling with what I should write. Anyway bye!

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