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Kirishima POV:
Scrolling through my phone I come across a picture of me and bakugo... I feel a tear stream down my face as the memories come back. Did I go to far? Maybe I shouldn't of posted that picture... Like Midoriya said that was a private moment. "What am I thinking!" I cry out loud, that Todoroki bastard stole my Bakugo! He stole the love of my life! I may be overreacting a bit but I cant ignore the fact that I love Bakugo and maybe... just maybe he loves me too. I sigh and roll of my bed landing on the floor with a thud, I lazily stretch my arm towards a frame containing a picture of me and Bakugo posing smiling happily a few more tears slipped out of my eyes as I began to sob. "I'm such an idiot!" I yell out in frustration furiously wiping away my tears, "I've been acting like such a stuck up prick!" I slam the floor with my fist I cant believe I told the whole class Todoroki and Bakugo I know for a fact they wanted to keep it a secret! They were probably scared of what people would think but I told everyone! Everyone I told them all just to spite them! "GAH!" I jump up and throw my chair to the other side of the room, just as I was about to throw something else a furious knocking knocked me out of my rage.
"OI!SHITTY HAIR!" The colour drains from face as I realise who it is. I slowly waddle towards my door and before taking a deep breath I swing it open. "A-ah B-bakugo hey!" I say sweat dripping down my face "what do you need...?" I slowly lift my face to see Bakugos furious face instantly I drop it back down. "You know why I'm here shitty hair don't even act like you don't know." He growls at me, I instantly being to feel guilt and regret as I look back up "l-listen Kats-" "It's Bakugo only Shoto calls me by my first name." "R-ight Bakugo, I'm really sorry about what I did and I feel really guilty! Please hear me out and let me tell you why I did i-" "WHAT! YOU EXPECT ME TO EXCEPT YOUR TERRIBLE APOLOGY TO HEAR YOU OUT! I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU DID IT? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, ILL KILL YOU FOR TRICKING ME!" Bakugo shouts getting ready to pounce, but before he does a familiar voice rings out behind him "hey Katsuki calm down..." just then a hand grabs Bakugos and pulls him away from me. My eyes widen as Todoroki comes beside the now surprisingly calm Bakugo, "S-Shoto why are you here I said I'll take care of it?" Bakugo says clearly confused "I thought you would do something like this, so I made sure to make sure no one gets injured." Bakugo clearly blushes at that and looks back at me with a calm expression. "Bakugo I swear I didn't want this to happen I really am your friend please! Please believe me!" My voices starts to waver as I try to hold back my tears, I look at Todoroki "I mean it I'm really sorry Todoroki..." He just looks back pity filling his expression. "Then why? Why did you do it Shitty hai-Kirishima?" Bakugo asks without a hint of anger in his voice. I look at Bakugo then to Todoroki then take a deep breath, "It was because...because I was jealous! Alright I was jealous that Todoroki got to have you when I loved you just as much! And I still do Bakugo, I'm sorry but...I love you and I that wont ever change. Even, even if you are in love with another I will never stop loving you!" I shout tears flowing down my face, Bakugo looks at me with wide eyes then looks down "I'm sorry Kirishima, I dont love you I didn't love you back then and I certainly dont love you now, not after what you did..." and with that Bakugo storms off "Katsuki wait!" Todoroki calls but he ignores it. I cry even harder after what he said it felt like my heart just shattered into a million pieces, I collapse to the floor in a sobbing mess.

Todoroki POV:
I watch Bakugo storm of my shouts for him to come back failing, just then Kirishima collapses to the ground crying hysterically. Torn between leaving or staying I decide to stay, I crouch down and lift Kirishimas head up "h-hey... wanna hug?" I say with the most caring tone I could muster. He slowly lifts his head and jumps into my arms I wrap my arms around him and pat his back as his sobs begin to come quieter and quieter. Some time passes and he finnaly falls asleep letting out a sigh of relief I slowly carry him to his bed and leave closing the door behind me. I let out a long sigh of relief and make my way towards Katsukis dorm room. Slowly opening the door I find Katsuki curled up in a ball by the side of his bed, instantly I sit next to him and sling my arm around his shoulder "hey Katsuki, how are you feeling?" I ask sympathy lacing my tone, he lifts his head and looks directly at me surprisingly he jumps forward and kisses me. I kiss back with the same amount of force and he pushes me to the floor, his hands slowly sliding up my top and stoping at my chest I slide my hand to his thigh and the other clutches his soft hair. Suddenly he breaks the kiss and begins sucking and biting my neck, a soft moan leaves my mouth as I put both hands in his hair. I catch a glimpse of Katsukis smirk before he stops sucking my neck and sits up looking at his job satisfied, a small whimper leaves my lips as I feel the heat of his  leave "K-katsuki what was that about?" I say panting, just then Katsuki strokes my cheek "your mine, you got that Shoto!" Katsuki purrs, slowly I nod my head and kiss him "and your mine Katsuki." We both smile and lay down

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