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I noticed in some of the chapters some of you guys wished for Kirideku, so I decided that I'll deliver I'll carry on the last chapter and add some hints of Kirideku anyway that's that also I can't promise that I'll update frequently but here you go.

Midoriya POV:
I could hear the crying from a mile away...It was heartbreaking hiding around the corner watching everything come to light. Kirishimas feelings for
Kacchan, Kacchan and Kirishimas friendship, Todoroki being able to calm Kacchan down everything. When Kacchan left Kirishma fell to the ground I felt a strong urge to comfort Kirishima but I held myself back not wanting to blow my cover and make everything worse. I was relieved when Todoroki went down an hugged Kirishima but also surprised I'm still getting used to Todoroki showing emotion an all. Time passed and Kirishimas sobbs got quieter until they completely stopped I realised that he had fallen asleep a small smile appeared on my face when Todoroki carried him to bed after he'd done that he walked towards Kacchans dorm room. Slowly I came around the corner and made my way into Kirishimas dorm room. Walking in I close the door behind me and sit beside Kirishimas bed propping my head up with my hand I sit and watch Kirishima sleep his chest going up and down his face looked so peaceful, like the events that just happened didn't exist, watching Kirishima began to make me feel relaxed my shoulders slumped and my eyes got heavy before I knew it I had drifted off.

Time skip: Kirishima POV
Groaning I begrudgingly opened my eyes I began to blink furiously to focus my vision, looking around everything stops...Right there looming over me green, just green. My eyes widen while I slowly move back and look at the sight in front of me, Midoriya sleeping peacefully on my bed? "M-Midoriya?" I croak out nothing happens, looking around nervously I tap him "Midoriya, wake up..." I say regaining my voice gradually he stirs and his eyes open. 'Shit' quickly I move back again and watch him cautiously. He blinks and rubs his eyes, it's kind of cute he looks like a baby a small smile comes to my face when I thought that but it quickly disappeared when Midoriya realised where he was he started stuttering and waving his hands around "uh Midoriya?" I ask but he just keeps splurging random nonsense "MIDORIYA!" I shout he stops instantly and looks at me "y-yes?" He asks sheepishly I look at him and laugh he looks at me confused "Haha, sorry you just looked funny now I uh have a question...What are you doing here?" Midoriya looks down "I heard everything, I'm sorry I didnt mean to eavesdrop when Todoroki brought you here I had an urge to just watch over you protect you...I don't know." Midoriya said while rubbing his head I look at Midoriya and pat his head "thank you Midoriya really I mean it, thank you." I flash him a toothy grin and lay back down, "you're welcome Kirishima" Midoriya smiles and lays beside me.

There we go the end of this chapter I don't know when I'll next update I can't promise you guys anything and I can't predict, I'm not good with a schedule or whatever. Sorry, but! To make up for it here are some Kirideku and Todobaku pictures 😁🥴

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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