Fortress around the heart

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Raj's residence: Sangeet Ceremony

The atmosphere was very festive. The house was decorated with beautiful flowers, it was lit up with lights and lamps. Relatives were enjoying each others' company. There was laughter everywhere, coupled with music and dance. Raj's parents and sisters were enthusiastically taking part in the festivities, oblivious to the fact that their son/brother was planning to elope tonight, leaving them homeless and penniless.

This would be one of the best days of life for any bride. But the fake smile plastered on Divya's face, said otherwise. Divya was pondering over her conversation she had with Sarita, earlier that day. Would Raj really stoop that low? Would he cheat his mother into signing the ownership documents of the house and elope? The Raj she loved would not. But this Raj, she did not know what to anticipate from him next. She questioned herself...What was she waiting for? Or rather who was she waiting for? For Raj to return to his senses and come back to her? Why is she even dressed up? For Raj to leave her at the last moment and for her to face humiliation and pain? She knew that the love she still has for him is what was making her give this one last chance to him. She realised that the game she and Sarita played in getting Raj back to his senses had severely backfired. Yet the fool that she was in loving Raj, hoped one last time, that he would change for the better.

With these thoughts running in her mind, she went in search of Raj when she didn't spot him yet at the funtion. She gently knocked on his bedroom door. When there was no response, she pushed the door to find it unlatched. She called out to him. There was no answer. She called out again, a little louder this time "Raj, arebyou there?" Again silence greeted her. As she turned around to leave, she found an envelope on the study table, with her name on it. She knew that what she dreaded, had happened after all. As she approached the table, she felt dejected and a sense of hopelessness enveloped her heart. That was when the first of many tears rolled down her cheek.

To be continued...

Fortress around the heartWhere stories live. Discover now