Part 4

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Earlier that day 
Vikrant's residence: 

Sarita came home after an increasingly irritating and frustrating conversation she had with RajJi. She tried to reason with him over and over again. But it felt like she was talking to a wall. This unreasonable obsession he had for her, blinded him so much that he was unable to see truth and reason. She was flabbergasted by his behaviour and literally lost all the respect she had for him. She was unable to process the fact that he would stoop so low. 

She knew that she was partly responsible, if not entirely, for his current behaviour.But what could she do? She saw how emotionally unstable he was in Mumbai, when he resorted to threatening to jump off the roof. She tried to handle the situation, as best as she could then. She could not ignore the fact that Divya was involved in this mess. She was innocent and did not deserve the heartache that was coming her way. Oh how she wished there was an on/off button for human beings as well. So that she could turn off her emotiins and did not have to worry about a person whom she was married to for 10 long years and just move on. But she could not do it. She wanted RajJi and Divya to lead a happy life. They deserved it after being apart and heart broken for 10 years. So that led to her first lie, when she said that she loved him and would do whatever he asked her to. 

It was all so confusing and frightening for her. On the one hand she had her ex husband threatening to commit suicide. And on the other hand was her husband, Mr. Suryavanshi, who had trust issues with her. He would not believe a word that came out of her mouth. She was in such a difficult place. She did not have anyone whom she could confide in. 

That was until Divya uncovered the truth and confronted her. After they cleared the air between them, Divya was ready to cut her losses and move on, as she did not want to live in a loveless marriage like her. Now she wished she could undo that mistake of hers. She must have let her move on. But no! She decided to play god and wanted to make RajJi see the love he had for Divya. What was worse she made Divya her co conspirator in the plan she hatched. All the while knowing that heartache and pain was going coming Divya's way. 

They commited a terrible error in judging RajJi. He was not the same RajJi who loved and cared for his sisters and parents, inspite of his loveless marriage to her. This new RajJi was ruthless, cunning and would go to any length to achieve his goal. His goal right was to elope with her to Dubai. She had to do something about this current situation and make him see what he was about to lose. Before it was too late for him and Divya and before he lost all the respect, dignity and love his family held for him. Before it destroyed all the relationships and in the process destroyed all the progress she made with Abhi and Mr. Suryavanshi. 

Oh how she wished she had someone whom she could confide in, someone who could understand her dilemma. She wanted a shoulder to cry on. Someone who would set her right and would give her sound advice. Someone who would lift the burden off her shoulders. Someone would hold her when she wanted to bawl her eyes out. And she knew the answer to all these questions...Mr. Suryavanshi! 

Theirs was nowhere near a picture perfect marriage, initially. It was more like a business arrangement. He married her since his son considered her his mother. And she married him to free Shiela from Rohan's evil clutches. Their married life kicked off on a shaky ground. The Mumbai trip was dreadful to say the least. But amidst all this the only thing that mattered to her was Abhiman. He showered her with unconditional love and affection, which gave her the inspiration to be positive in life. She shed all her sorrows and unhappiness and started to shower him with the same amount to love and affection she recieved from him, if not more. 

With Abhi's happiness being their common goal, things started to gradually change for the better between Mr. Suryavanshi and her. She started seeing him in a new light. He was more relaxed now. He was naughty, funny, caring, understanding and most of all he was kind hearted. Beneath the hard exterior was a person who cared for his family very deeply and would go to any lengths to make them happy. She smiled a lot now, for no particular reason and was very happy beyond belief. She knew that he was the reason behind this and ofcourse her little prince charming, Abhiman. 

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