Part 2

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Vikrant's residence

An eerie silence was set around the house, in complete contrast to another house halfway across the town. Vikrant was seated in a rocking chair with a peg of cognac in his hand. For a normal person, he appeared calm. But his eyes reflected the anger and rage he felt deep within his heart. 

There were many unanswered questions running in his mind. How could she do this? She was planning to elope? Is this why she was acting nice towards him and his son, so as to cover her tracks? Oh god, Abhi! His sweet and innocent Abhi! He was scared to even think of the devastation that his son would face. How would he explain that his selfish mother left him for her own happiness? He even confessed to her that Abhi was in a delicate place and he will not be able to take any more shock or grief. How could she be so heartless to not think of his innocent little boy? Giving him hope and dashing it away the next instant? And boy was he an even bigger fool, to have gone and fallen in love with her? How could he have been so blind, to have trusted her completely? He hated himself for it.

He recollected the conversation that he had eavesdropped on earlier that day. Sarita was on the phone agreeing to meet Raj at Gandhi Nagar Chourasta at 1 o'clock in the morning. 

He was going to avenge being cheated on and was going to ensure that justice was served. For that he needed to punish the cheaters. He was VIKRANT SURYAVANSHI, and no one would get away by cheating him! With these thoughts in mind, he was constantly eyeing the revolver that he had placed on the table before him. He picked it up, tucked it in his waist band and slowly walked towards his car. 

He was foolish enough to let sarita penetrate the carefully built fortress that was around his heart. It was time to resurrect it! Thinking so he started the engine, driving towards the place where his wife was currently meeting her ex-husband..

To be continued...

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