Part 7

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Divya eyed the envelope addressed to her, with a sense of gloom. It was like the entire world was spinning around her, but she was stuck to this moment unable to process any coherent thought. "Why Raj? Why did you do this?"She said softly through her tears, to no one in particular. She extended her hand and touched the edge of envelope and picked it up. It felt like she had to use her entire energy to lift the envelope. She glanced at it once again and shook her head, as if pleading in her mind for it to be anything but a goodbye letter. Never in her life had she experienced a pain as as gut-wrenching as this. 

She started to open the envelope when she heard voices outside the room, calling out to her. She immediately wiped the tears and scrambled around looking for a place to hide the envelope. She opened the draw of the table and stuffed the letter in it. She turned around just as Shiela and Munni entered the room. 

They came near her and asked"What are you doing here, Bhabhi?" 

She did not want to break the news to them now, that too when the relatives were around. It would be so humiliating for the entire family. So she decided to put it off for later. She mentally cursed Raj for making her lie to them and for her to be the one to expose all his misdeeds. Never did she think there would come a day where she would curse Raj as much as she did today. 

Shiela tried to grab her attention by snapping her fingers and said, "Where are you lost, bhabhi? Thinking about my brother, huh? One more day and you will be together forever" 

She did not know whether to laugh or cry. She composed herself and answered them, "I just came to powder my nose. Am I looking alright?"She asked. 

"You are looking gorgeous bhabhi!" Munni answered. "Now come along, the sangeet is in full swing. Let us go and have some fun", she said. And both of them dragged her away. As she left the room, she eyed the table, silently praying to god to give her the strength to drag herself through the rest of the function. 

Throughout the funtion she was on pins and needles. She had to constantly plaster a smile and exchange pleasantries with all the guests, while her heart was breaking into a million pieces inside. 

As the function was about to end, she excused herself, citing severe headache. She all but ran as if some wild animal was chasing her. All she thought about at that instant was to get back into the room as she could not pretend anymore. She wondered how she enacted these scenes to perfection on TV, but not in her real life. 

She entered the room and closed the doors. She did not want any disturbance tonight. She wanted to cry her heart out before she did the deed, of informing the family. The tears started streaming down her face. It was like a never ending river. She walked across the room, opened the draw and pulled out the envelope. She tore up the edge hastily. Then she opened the letter and was about to start reading it. She paused a little and tried to take a deep breath before proceeding. Now the pause became a long one where she contempleted whether she wanted to read the letter at all and put herself through further pain. What was there in the letter that she didn't already know? So thinking she put the letter back in the envelope and placed it in her purse. 

Now she had to think of a way to gently break the news to the family. She had to tell them that their son ran away and before he did that, he had pledged their house and had stolen the jewels and money. She had to tell them that this wedding would not take place. She hated Raj for doing this to her and his family, for putting her in this difficult position to explain his actions. Never did she think that she would use 'Raj' and 'hate' in the same sentence. 

She thought back to how they met and fell in love... 

Their first meeting ended up in an intense argument about Shakespeare's plays and which among them was the best. They argued for hours together, as each had valid points. That was the start of the most beautiful relationship that she ever had in her entire life. They had passion for drama and fine arts. They could discuss about it forever. They gradually became very good friends and somewhere from that friendship blossomed love. They were crazy about each other. They would take long drives on his bike at full speed and she would shout her lungs out to drain all the buzzing noise. That was the best phase of their lives. But then all good things come to an end, right? She laughed bitterly. 

There was a loud knock on the door which brought her out of her reverie. She wiped at her tears. She was nervous and was wondering who it was at the door. Then she scolded herself," Come on Divya, you can do it! You need to strengthen yourself to face this battle." So saying she composed herself and went to open the door. 

She found Raj's mother on the other side of the door. She smiled hesitantly at her. 

Kamla asked her," Are you alright, beta? I was worried when Shiela told me that you were not feeling well. Now take this medicine and go to bed. Tomorrow is a long and very important day" She said, smiling at her

Divya answered, " I am fine ma. Just headache. Actually I wanted to speak to you about something, ma. Do you have a few minutes?" 

Kamla nodded her head and asked her to go ahead.

With her heart beating a million miles a minute, her palms sweating and her eyes glazed with tears, she started to say, " Ma this wedding...I mean Raj and I are..." 

"getting married tomorrow, all due to your blessings" finished someone from the door. She looked up to see Raj standing at the door, gazing at her, with an apologetic smile on his face. 

First she felt shocked to see him there. Next came the confusion and finally the anger set in her system." How dare he utter such a thing, without discussing with her! Does he think life is a game? He is here because Sarita knocked sense into him, not of his own accord."She thought. Little did she know that Raj poured his heart out in the letter, but in vain.

She went on to stare at him for a long time, while Raj stood there with his head lowered unable to meet her eyes. She resolved then and there that never would she let Raj hurt her the way he did these past few days. Her heart will not be able to take it anymore. She had to protect it from him. She told herself that she will marry him. The only reason for it was to not hurt his family or let them face humiliation because of her. 

But love? There was no room for it! 


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