The storm

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I always envy the dolls because they don't know they're stuck in a little china shop in Wales. I wish sometimes to be a doll and not a strange creature. I wish that I would be able to go outside, not stuck in here. Alone. I got into my doll form  and sat on my space between the glossy-eyed dog and the small pink doll. I realised it was quite early for me to return to my shelf as the moon was just above the oak tree in front of me. Then, there was a loud crack and a rumbling. I noticed that some of the dolls were rocking. A very strong wind hit the shop. Unfortunately for me, I was sitting on the edge of the shelf trying to get a look at the powerful storm. 

I felt myself tumbling before I saw it. The feeling of weightlessness took over, in a second the cold hard floor hit my porcelain skin. I felt all that held me together crumble. I could feel every part of me shattered into fragments of porcelain. I was on the floor, weak and alone, again. I heard the old man rush down in distress. He saw me laying on the floor in pieces and sighed, sadness visible on his face. I always was his favourite doll. I wanted to cry, the fall didn't hurt I just knew that I would soon be leaving the china shop I call home. The old man tried to put me back together but there were too many pieces. It was hopeless. I was hopeless. Whenever a doll shatters the ones that can't be saved go into the bin. The old man says that 'they have gone to a nicer place' I knew it was the bin though. I saw him through my small window. I knew where I was going, I'd saw him do it a hundred times. I was... scared to say the least. I wondered what the outside was like, seeing as I had never been out there before. The bin looked big and terrifying, it loomed over me, trying to threaten me. The old man sighed before opening the lid of the bin. I accepted what was happening and took a deep breath. This was it.

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