Chapter 10

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I was awoken by a knocking on my door "Yes?" I replied groggily still half-asleep
"Liz? You need to get up." I heard a voice from the other side of the door say "No I don't. The fate of humanity doesn't rest on the fact of if I get up so I don't need to get up." I say matter-of-factly "Stop being smart, weirdo and get up." I hear Enoch snap "Jeez fine" I groan. Luckily there was a mirror in mine and Emma's room so I checked my reflection. I never had to worry about my face being a mess as it was made from porcelain. It was only my hair I had to worry about but I decided that it was acceptable "Lizzie! Hurry up!" I hear Horace call. I roll my eyes "Coming!" I yell. I stumble out into the hall and see Horace with his arms crossed "There's Sleeping Beauty!" He said exasperated
"I slept in, I know."
"The Birds not happy I hope you know."
"I know." I sighed as I went down the stairs. I entered the dining room and everyone stopped their conversations to stare at me "Sorry for my late entrance Miss."
"Miss Peregrine."
"Right, sorry Miss I-I mean Miss Peregrine." I fumbled. Miss Peregrine chuckled slightly "It's quite alright dear."

I walked to a chair in between Emma and Horace, who seemed to have walked in during my whole fiasco "Hi." I greeted Horace and Emma "Now that Miss Elizabeth has finally joined us, we can start breakfast, oh and because Miss Elizabeth was not here for supper she can serve breakfast." I groaned but got up anyway and walked to the kitchen seeing 10 (an: is that right??) plates piled high with pancakes and fruit. I sighed 'How was I meant to carry these in without dropping something?' I grabbed a plate and three pieces of fruit almost toppled off but I stopped them before they fell off. I realised I could probably carry two at a time so I picked two up and nearly fell over immediately. I collected myself and walked out if the kitchen.

"Pancakes!" I exclaimed as I entered the dining room. The children all squealed in excitement for pancakes were not a common occurrence. I put down the plates and immediately two pairs of hands shot out to grab them. The hands belonged to Claire and Emma who began gobbling them down.

(AN: Sorry but I think I'm done with this story, I'll probably delete it seeing as I wrote this a while ago and now I just kind of cringe seeing it)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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