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I was in the bin I could feel fragments of my hands, and body cracking and splitting on impact. I  looked up to see if the old man had closed the bin lid. As I looked up there was a creaking noise and the bin was getting darker seconds later there was a slamming sound and the bin was in complete darkness.

I let myself rest for a moment and sighed 'So now I'm here' I muttered to myself softly. I relaxed and sank into the bin. If I stayed here for about two days I would be completely fixed apart from a couple insignificant cracks in my porcelain. I closed my eyes and waited.

~a time skip~♡(cuz laziness)

I looked over myself once again to make sure I looked as human like as possible before leaving the bin. I took a sharp breath in. It's time. I looked up and grew to the size of a normally girl my stiff brown hair flowed to below my shoulders. I stepped out of the bin and took a breath "Alright I'm out of the bin." I said to myself. I inspected my surroundings and realised I was in a small alleyway. I took a step but it failed, I fell but I caught myself before I hit the ground. I had to be careful one small slip, bump or fall and I could shatter, my cover blown. I took my next step, this one was okay. I started walking slowly at first but I soon got the hang of it and walked briskly. No one looked surprised at my appearance apart from some teenagers who had never saw me before "Oi. You ain't from here are ya."
"Not really." I replied kind of telling the truth. The teenagers just shrugged and let me pass. I breathed a sigh of relief. That was my first conversation with a real person in ages. I walked quicker then I realised I had nowhere to go. I stopped in my tracks. There was a tree nearby and I thought that I could rest there while I contemplated what to do. As I walked over there I felt something beneath my feet. I tripped. I hit the ground. My cover was blown. I got up and ran. A tree root that's what tripped me up. A stupid tree root. I noticed a crack in my arm but I felt a piece of my leg gone it was only small but certainly noticeable. I saw a cave entrance and ran over there.

I entered the cave and sat down. I heard noises from outside the cave so I shuffled closer to the center of the cave. I leant onto the back wall and fell through! I looked around and saw a sunny village and the grass I landed on was extremely green. What is this place?

An: Haha a cliffhanger

Porcelain heart(Mphfpc) * DISCONTINUED *Where stories live. Discover now