Oh no

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"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I screeched at him. In that moment I realised it may not have been my most amazing idea. Then again I was seething. He had continued to be a jerk and I haven't even known him a day. Everyone looked at me. Even Jerkface, I was impressed. The idiot had a brain.(AN: I don't think this about Enoch it's just this fanfic ). I froze. Whoops. I transformed into my human form and stared at them, I can be intimidating when I want to be "Yes I'm a person get over it." I said, rolling my eyes
"Y-Y-Y-You can talk?" Bee boy questioned probably not understanding, that I am in fact a peculiar.
"Um. Yep. I can." I said suddenly nervous around these strangers. Ah that's why. They're strangers. I decided to introduce myself, it is polite after all "Hello I'm Elizabeth." Everyone seemed puzzled after I said that. So I asked "Is it not polite to introduce oneself when talking to someone?" They now looked even more confused. One boy said  "It is but seeing as before you were a doll yelling at us it is pretty shocking right now." I nodded understanding "I'll give you a moment then."
"Thank you." The boy said.


"Right that is Olive." He said pointing at a red head. "That is Emma." He said pointing at the blonde girl with lead shoes. "Enoch" Already knew that but thank you "Fiona" Or as I know her, Quiet Girl "The twins." He said pointing at two kids in full body suits "Millard" A pile of floating clothes "Hugh" Oh so Bee Boy is called Hugh, I prefer Bee Boy "And you know Claire and Bronwyn. I think." I nodded "I am Horace." Due to me being quite scared I didn't notice that 'Horace' was quite sharply dressed. Everyone was dressed very old-timey. I was used to jeans and tops, certainly not Victorian dresses (not unlike mine) and suits. It gave me some comfort though that I was dressed like them, at least I don't look strange "Um hello would you like me to bring you to The Bird." Horace said interrupting my thoughts "Okay." I said trying to collect my train of thought. As I was walking I might have somehow tripped. Over a twig. Why do trees hate me so much? First, it was the tree root and now this twig. So, long story short I landed on my arm. I don't even know how."Y-your actual arm just shattered. There is a hole in your arm. An. Actual. Hole."
"Oh, why yes indeed there is." I said I quite used to this whereas Horace seemed quite shook about this. I continued walking while moving the pieces of porcelain under the carpet. Horace soon snapped out of it and walked with me. He was fussing and asking questions like 'What's your peculiarity' and 'Did you know that you were peculiar before' it was kind of annoying. Soon we got to The Bird/Miss Peregrines office thing.

Porcelain heart(Mphfpc) * DISCONTINUED *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora