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I got up and looked around for a while. Why was everyone dressed like me? I walked into an area that looked like a field. I heard laughing and went into doll form. Two little girls came over and gasped when they saw me
"Look Claire it's a little doll!" Exlaimed one small girl
"I know Bronwyn she's so pretty." "Should we bring her with us?" Said the little girl named 'Claire'
"I think we should." Said the other small girl. The one called 'Bronwyn' went to pick me up until the little girl named Claire stopped her "Stop Bronwyn you might break her." Bronwyn said okay and the little girl named Claire picked me up. She was very gentle with me but held me quite firmly so I didn't fall. I was going to thank her for that later.

After the girls brought me to their home they put me in a bedroom I thought it was theirs because it had dolls everywhere and little fairy tale books scattered carelessly around, open and dog-eared.

The little girls returned and exclaimed "Let's show her to everybody." The little girl that was called Claire spun around looking for me because I was behind some books. When Claire spun around I saw a mouth on the back of her head. I gasped in my head because in my doll form I can't actually gasp. I realised she's probably a peculiar! I can't believe it! A peculiar! Then again, doll peculiars are always teased and made fun of for being dolls and being nothing but a doll. No abilities apart from turning into a doll. We get ridiculed and thrown about because we're 'just dolls'. Should I become human again and show them what I am. No I have to be sure that this is a home for peculiars. I'll wait for another peculiarity before I reveal myself to the people here.

I was behind some books and the little girl named Bronwyn picked up a bookcase to find me. A bookcase! A full bookcase filled with books! She picked it up! I decided then that this (an: I said this 10 times fast and failed. You try.)was actually a home for peculiars. I was so happy. Until a boy around 14-15 (an: is that Enoch's age physically?)came in and saw Claire and Bronwyn looking for me. The boy picked me up and mockingly said "Looking for her." While dangling me in front of them "No! Don't drop her Enoch! She's our new doll." Claire and Bronwyn yelled simultaneously
"Why shouldn't I drop her?" The boy called 'Enoch' said "If you found her in the field she's just gonna be there in the exact same spot 'tomorrow'." A loop! I knew this was a home for peculiars. A loop is a day stuck on repeat. It looks after peculiars to protect them from the wights and hollows. In my excitement I forgot I was being dangled above the ground by a 14-15 year old. Claire and Bronwyn were still pleading with Enoch to put me down. Claire yelled for Miss.Peregrine because Enoch was teasing her and Bronwyn. Miss.Peregrine came down the stairs to see a teary-eyed Claire and a furious Bronwyn "Mr. O' Conner please put down their doll."
"Fine." He said and put me down.

Porcelain heart(Mphfpc) * DISCONTINUED *Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora