The Peculiars

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An: sorry I'm not very good at titles and sorry about the slow updating

As the boy called Enoch put me down I started to get annoyed. He placed me on the carpet slowly. Reluctant to stop teasing the girls. When I was back on the floor I pouted. He had the audacity to scowl at me and the girls before leaving the room. Claire was sad for about two seconds until she realised she now knew where I was and could play dolls. Bronwyn was harder to please. She was still mad at Enoch but wanted to play dolls with Claire. She eventually sat down grabbed a doll and started playing.

Later on Miss Peregrine called everyone down for tea. Claire decided to bring me down into the dining room because she wanted everyone to see her new doll. When Claire got into the dining room she hopped into her chair and put me on the seat next to her. I quite liked my seat at the table. It had been awhile since I sat at a table or anything like that. People started filing in, a boy (I think) that was invisible. I knew he was invisible because he kept talking. There was the Enoch guy that had picked me up before. God, I had only known him 5 minutes and I already hated  him. Well maybe not hated but definetely severely disliked. A girl came in who was very quiet like Enoch but had a kinder feeling to her. Then a boy with a bees net around face came in and sat next to Quiet Girl and apparently her name is Fiona but I like the nickname Quiet Girl. When I was at the china shop I gave names to all the dolls. Like the pink doll that was on my shelf I called Annalise because well, she looked like an Annalise to me. A teenage blonde girl came in with what looked to be lead shoes. She sat down at a far edge of the table. She looked really sad. I zoned out looking at the sad girl as I wondered what made her upset. When I snapped back into reality I saw that everyone was talking to each other. Then a boy's eyes flickered to Claire and then me "Say Claire is that your new doll?" He asked "Yes" She replied. I noticed that around the other kids she was very shy unless it was Bronwyn of course "Yeah that's Claire's little doll. It's so stupid. Why does she like dolls so much? It's just a useless toy." Enoch said. I was infuriated I had thought he would have some table manners but obviously not. I was going to yell I stopped myself but then realised they're peculiars too. Then I yelled.

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