Chapter 6

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Rihanna POV

"Wake up."she says hitting me with the pillow. "Okay I'm up."I jumped. "I miss you morning face."she kisses my cheek.i kiss back.

"Breakfast is downstairs. Go brush yo teeth so we can eat. Then we gotta go to the store."Nicki informs me. So I walk into the bathroom and get out my toothbrush and toothpaste.

After i brush my teeth I wipe my mouth, and fix my eyebrows. Then I go into the glass elevator and hum along to da classic music that they were playing as I rod down stairs.

I get off and go into the kitchen. I sit down and start eating. After that I put my plate in the sink and go back upstairs. So I turn on the shower and take of my clothes and get in.

I think about Chris and Nicki. Though I still have feelings for him, I'm with Nicki and if I break her heart she'll be mad at me.

And I don't wanna do dat, so I guess I'll set those feelings aside and focus on me and Nicki. I finish up my shower and get out.

I wrapped the towel round my body and walked out the bathroom. As I was going to the walk in closet Nicki scared me. "Ahh."I yelled.

My towel fell to the floor and my tits jiggled. Good thing I shaved, lol. I giggled and picked it up. "Leave it off."she smiled. I laughed at her silliness and put it back round.

"I said keep it off."

"You like this shit huh."

She nodded and smiled then pulled me into a hug. My naked body against her fully dressed body, just felt so right. "Mmmmmm, I gotta go get dressed."I say slightly getting out her grip. She followed me.

I added a lil twist to my walk. So I look around and pick up some stuff. Pink skinny jeans, blue half top, with my blue converse. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun, and get my new phone. Galaxy note 4. Nicki got da iPhone 6. Well anyway I get my purse and we leave.

I run to her new white Lamborghini and get in. "Fine I guess it's dis one den."she mumbled walking towards the car. I jumped up happily and then get in the car.

She gets in the drivers seat and we roll out. "What store you wanna go to?"she asked. I side-eyed her. "Hey, your da one who said we were gone to da sto. You should know what sto ta go to."I confronted.

She made dat face were her dimples pop out but she wasn't smiling. I laughed and she pulled out the drive way.

The whole way there I was in face book, Twitter and IG(Instagram). I saw one of Chris tweets and read it.

Chris tweet- Broke up wit Rih Rih last week, best thing I Eva did. I'm wit bae, now tho she treats meh way Betta den Rih did*has pic of him and karrueche.*

My eyes filled with tears and they threatened to escape. My Twitter started blowing up because people were seeing what I was gone tweet back. I started typing.

My tweet- you don't bother meh n I'm wit new bae two*post pic of her n Nicki* #LesbianNation

Chris tweet-so u sayin I was dating a lesbian

My tweet- no, then I waz bi naa I'm les n boy don't tweet meh no mo bye nigga

"Whatcha doin' boo."Nicki asked, as her phone vibrated wit people on Twitter. "Oh nothing bad, just on Twitter."I reply.

She picked up her phone and we got out. "You told dem we were dating."she asked. "Yeah dey were gone find out one way or da Otha."I answer. She hugs me and wipes her forehead sighing. "I thought I was gone have to tell people, myself."she says smiling.

We got inside the store and get a basket. We get all kinds of sweets. moon pie, banana cakes, zebra cakes, starcrunch, anything you name it.

Then this little girl came up to us. "Oh my gosh your Rihanna and Nicki minaj. I love you guys music. Can we all take a picture." I look at Nicki. "Sure,"she says.

We all pose as Nicki holds the girls phone In the air. She snaps it and the little girl thanks and hugs us, and runs off to her family.

I smile at her. We continue shopping and then go home. On our way to the car, we were inclined by paparazzi. It was da good kind tho, they just wanted pictures.

Nicki POV

Once we get home I slip of my heels because my feet are killing me. Then I get up and go to the couch. "Heat for vacation dis summer we could go to California. Ya the song you made. California King Bed."I say nudging her shoulder.

She looked at me, smiled "I'd love that." She said. and then turned the tv on. I got up and started unloading the groceries. So as I get up she smacks my butt and it jiggles.

I laugh and then finish my walk to the kitchen.

After that we took a nap in each others presence.


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