Chapter 7

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Nicki POV

"Hurry up, so we can get there on time of Black Friday." I say as me and Rihanna get out the car, and made our way tothe inside.

People already starting to pile up in the mall. "Come on momma."Rihanna yelled pulling me somewhea.

"Hold on bop."I reply. I looked up, and saw Jah'Mari. She is my best-friend since kindergarten then we kinda lost each other when she left Trinidad.

She with August Alsina. We both go over there. "Mari."I yelled. (Mari is short for Jah'Mari)

She looked up and jumped. "Nic."she yelled. We hugged. "Long time no talk, huh."I smiled.

Jah'Mari is lightskinned, she's Rihanna color and she got a lot of ass. Her tits okay, her hair stops at her waist. She got Hazel eyes, perfect teeth, a beautiful smile. She is 28 Her dimples are deep, but not as deep as mine, though. And that's pretty much it. Lol. I used to like her in high school, but then that's when she moved and I didn't get the chance to tell her.

"Y'all know each other."Rih & Aug asked, as Aug stood up. "Yeah, since grade school."I smiled.

"We go way back."she giggled. We all shopped together, and I got her new number and then we all parted.

Jah'Mari POV

"AUGUSTTTTTTT."I yelled. ."I'm FINNA cum."I scream. "Rain Down."he laughed. His big ass dick was putting in work. Lol. But fa real tho.

I arched my back and left scratch marks on his. Soon, we came at the same time, and he collapsed on me.

Next morning

Rihanna POV

"Who's Jah'Mari."I asked.

"She just a friend from grade school. How many times you want me to say that."nicki yelled the last part.

I sat down as she got up. She turns the tv on, I turned it off. She then gets on her phone and I took it right out her hands.

"What the hell, Rih."

"Who's Jah'Mari?"

"She just a friend from grade-school God damn it."

"I'm going to the studio,"she mumbled grabbing her phone, and purse.

Nicki POV

I pulled up to see August car so I go in. As I go on my hall, Jah'Mari is at the snack machine. "Hey, Mari."I smiled as we hugged.

"Hey Nicki was up."she asked. "Nothing. I just came here to do some songs."I answer. "Speaking of songs, can you be on my first one."she asked.

"You make music. Yeah sure. Anything for a friend."I giggled. She did too. We went in my room and she watched me as I recorded some songs.

Then we went to her and August hall and went in. I listened to the song. It sounded great.

I got out a pen and paper and started writing. After about four hours and two trips to the snack machine we were done.

I followed them to August house, and Mari got in mine when we got there. Aug said he gone chill wit tha boys, so me Mari gone to the mall.

Right before we got out she kissed me. I shrugged it off. And we went inside. She got me feeling some type a way. Lol.

So we shopped and shopped till our feet hurted. We go back to the car and get in. We had decided to go to my house.

Once we got there, Rihanna car was gone. I wonder where she went. But anyway, we watched a movie and ate pop corn.

I started drifting off to sleep, I laid my head on Mari chest, and slept like that.

Rihanna POV

I turned my key, and went inside. I walk to the living room, and noticed Jah'Mari and Nicki were sleeping.



There's tha chapter!





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