03 | bathtime

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"chat noir!" marinette called. "come here, kitty."

the feline walked up to his friend - and new owner - meowning in acknowledgement.

adrien sat down on the ground, looking up at his princess.

do you think she'll find out it's me, plagg? adrien asked, creasing his cat brows. she's got to, right? she's smart!

he felt plagg frown in doubt. probably not, kid. she can't even understand you.

this was true. throughout the past hour of his time at marinette's place, he had been trying to tell her that he had been the real chat noir, the masked superhero of paris. instead, all that came out of his snout had been desperate mewls that she had mistook for him begging for more food.

marinette looked down at him, frowning at his pitiful figure. "you're dirty, chaton. you need a bath." she bent down and picked him up, heading towards the bathroom.

chat's eyes widened, now realizing that she would be cleaning him. touching him in order to clean him. he squirmed around in her arms, hissing in protest.

"i know, i know," marinette said, holding the cat in a firm but gentle grip. "you're a cat. you can clean yourself. but not today. look at you, kitty, you're a mess!"

i know i am, mari, but this is just too weird! he thought, proceeding to rebel.

marinette reached for the doorknob and twisted it, slowly pulling it open. adrien's heart rate increased, anxiety filling him.

sure, he had no clothes on in his cat form, and sure, marinette thought he was just your normal everyday cat. but he knew that he wasn't just a cat. he was a human. he was her classmate. he was her friend.

and personally, he didn't want her touching... those places (a/n : just yet muehehe), if you know what i mean.

the door opened fully and marinette stepped inside with a thrashing cat in her arms, closing the door behind her. she turned on the tub water and let it run, setting chat down in the process.

what do i do, what do i do, what do I do... chat thought, looking anxiously for an escape as he walked in circles. he pawed at the ground, thinking in a moment of desperation that it would let him out of this situation.

he heard the bluenette giggle. before adrien had processed what was to come next, marinette picked him up and set him in the tub. his stereotypical cat instinct had made an appearance and he hissed at the contact of his fur in the cool water.

marinette scrubbed his top coat with her hands, dirt sprawling freely into the once-clear water. "see how filthy you are, chaton?"

adrien pouted, accepting his defeat. he was going to get cleaned by his classmate, whether he liked it or not.


carefully picking him up from the flea filled bathtub, marinette set chat noir onto the ground, getting a nearby towel and gently drying him with it.

adrien stood there petrified as he thought of the recent events that had just occurred. no, he didn't even want to think of them. eyes wide open and ears perked up in embarrassment, he let the girl dry him down.

she doesn't know, she doesn't know, she doesn't know, he told himself repeatedly. she doesn't know i'm human, so it's fine. totally fine.

"see, now that wasn't too bad, was it?" marinette said, smiling brightly towards the cat.

if only she knew, plagg, who had been silently screaming, thought. this time, adrien joined in with his kwami. if only she knew.

he shook his head as if it would be an effective way to rid of his thoughts and marched back into marinette's room with the four cursed paws he had been required to walk on.

marinette grabbed a black blanket with green decorative paw-prints stitched onto it from her desk, laying it down on the floor next to her bed. "chat noir, you have two options," she said, holding out two fingers. "you can either sleep on this," she pointed to the blanket, then motioned towards her bed. "or you can sleep on the bed with me."

almost instantly, he headed for the fluffy blanket, which had apparently seemed odd for marinette.

plagg whined. why didn't you go on the bed? it looks more comfy.

because i respect her privacy, unlike you, plagg. adrien hissed. she may not know that i'm the chat noir, but i myself do.

and with that, he curled up into a fluffy ball and fell asleep on the blanket.

he purred. so comfy.


marinette looked at the sleeping cat, a smile dancing upon her lips.

she crawled into bed as tikki came out from her hiding spot.

"marinette," tikki said in her squeaky voice. "something feels off with that cat..."

marinette cocked her head to the side, looking at her little spotted friend in curiosity. "what do you mean?"

"i don't know... theirs just this weird aura i feel around him."

the girl laughed. "oh tikki, you're probably just scared."

the red kwani, shook her head, but reluctantly flew onto her owner's shoulder.

"i'm going to sleep, tikki." marinette whispered into the kwami's non-visible ear. she turned off the light and faced the direction opposite of her window.

a shadow then gifted the window's frame with its presence, becoming more visible due to the bright city street lights. it lingered around before jumping off to the side.

she would have saw.

she would have seen the shadow if she had just turned around.

but she didn't.

she hadn't, and yet a certain feline did. his eyes had been half-open in the dark room. he had saw the dark figure at the window, wondering what it had been. but apparently his curiously had not been strong enough to keep him awake because soon, slumber overtook him once again.

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