07 | different

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[obviously unedited]

"we can't let him stay here," tom said, glancing at the black cat.

marinette's eyes widened. "but papa—!"

"no buts, marinette!" her father raged, his usual peppy demeanor vanishing without a trace. "it's only his second night here, and he's made a mess! have you seen what he's did to the kitchen? those ingredients were worth a lot of money."

marinette looked down at the cat in pity. where would it go without her? should she leave him in an animal shelter? no... they would just kill him. "he's a cat, papa! and he isn't even trained! you haven't given me a chance to teach him prop—"

"no excuses! i'm sorry, marinette, but i'm not taking any chances. i don't want the cause of our bakery's downfall to circle around a improper cat!" tom sighed, blindly seeing this as the only solution. "i want him out of the house in an hour. you can say your goodbyes during that time."

marinette hastily got up, slamming her foot on the ground and curling her fists up in a tight ball. it wasn't fair. the punishment was too cruel. yes, the bakery ingredients were of the best, and yes they were all ruined because of chat, but was a little money worth a cat's life?

with chat close on her tail, she stormed up the stairs, making sure each and every step shook the house with her anger. reaching towards her doorknob, she grudgingly twisted and slammed the door loud and clear, it nearly hitting the cat's tail in the process.

the bluenette heaved a heavy sigh and slumped back down on the door, knees to her chest and face on her knees. her arms wrapped around her legs protectively as chat rubbed his head on her porcelain skin. "i'm sorry, chat. i'm just... frustrated. this isn't fair," her body slumped and her head rest against the door frame. she looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "life isn't fair."

chat meowed as if he understood what marinette was saying. the girl sat on the floor and picked up the animal, placing him on her lap. she stroked his fur and continued to talk.

"don't worry," she said. "it's going to be fine."

and everything would be fine.


marinette walked down the steps, her cat curled up in her arms. one hour passed. the time had come. her beloved kitty was to be sent out of the dupain-cheng's house.

marinette's father looked at her with a worried glance. for a second, she had thought that he was worrying for the cat. for a second, she thought he had actually changed his mind. but he hadn't. once he's made up his mind, he stuck to it. he was only worried for her. not the cat. just for her.

"are you okay now, dear?" sabine questioned.

marinette answered truthfully and answered with a solid no, which hadn't surprised anyone in the room, as her frame was shaking a bit.

she walked up to the front door with chat still in her hands and looked back to her parents. "i'm going out with him to drop him off and say a few words to him," she said, opening the door and leaving without hearing what they had to say about it.

she knew it wasn't in her character to talk back to her parents, but she couldn't help it. over the past day that she spent with the cat, she couldn't help but love him. she grew attached to him and felt the need to protect him. the unusually human-like behavior, the familiar aura that he gave out, and he way his fur glided through her fingers, she enjoyed it all. and she hated the way her parents destroyed that all within the span of minutes.

marinette walked into the alleyway in which she had found the furry animal. the place was still dark and eerie even in the middle of the day. after about a minute of walking, she spotted the box where she had found her cat. she walked towards it and set chat noir down, crouching down next to him.

"stay here, okay kitty?" and with that, she bent down to kiss him on the head and left, leaving the kitty alone with him and his thoughts.


the alley was dark and quiet, sending chills down the cat's spine. his body spiked as his fur rose on the back of his neck, curled up in his little cardboard box.

he couldn't help but ask himself why marinette had left him. he knew that her parents had told her that he couldn't stay there, he was there after all, but he couldn't help but feel sad. he saw it coming. she was just like everyone else in his life. they act like they care about him, but when they get the chance, they leave. they vanish, just like his mother. their personalities change, their actions change, it was all the same. everyone in his life was the same. no one was different to him. malicious intent, just to get some goods out of him. he was a rich kid, after all.

but he hadn't expected marinette of all people to backstab him. she loved him (as a cat, of course) and he loved her (as a friend). but she left him there, there in that creepy, murderous alley where it had stank of decaying rats.

he curled up tighter in his little cardboard box.

it wasn't fair.

adrien rose his head up and peered beyond the box's roof, looking at the sky to check the time of day. he hadn't even realized it. the sun had gone down and the moon had risen. evening had began.

he lay his head down on the cold floor.

out of all people, why him? why was it he who had ended up in this cruel fate. and why in the world was he stuck as a cat!

the world was cruel.

adrien shut his eyes.

no one loved him. no one cared for him. not even marinette, not even his father, not even ladybug. no one.

he was in too deep in his thoughts to notice the sound of light footsteps. he was too deep in his thoughts to notice his name being called. he was in too deep.

a darker shadow had formed in his eyelids, his world being darker than it was before. he opened his eyes. shoes.

he saw shoes. pink slide-ons with brown laced shoes.

quickly lifting his head up, adrien looked up at the shoe's owner's face.


it was then that he realized that she did care after all. she did love him. she wasn't like the rest of the people in his life. she wasn't like his mother who had disappeared without a trace. she wasn't like his father who changed his personality as quick as a lightning strike, and she wasn't like the rest of the people who had only talked to him because of his wealth and good looks.

"chat," she cried, picking him up from the brown box and lifting him up to her chest for a hug. he pawed at her chest and lifted himself up to her face. his eyes teared, humanity leaking through. he brought himself to her nose and gave it a kitty lick, kissing her in appreciation.

she wasn't like the rest of them.

she giggled.

she was different.

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