09 | chance

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two days passed since then, and things have unexpectedly gone smoothly. what marinette had originally thought would be a problem had not proved difficult so far.

with chat's old constant mewling, marinette had thought that his noise would be a major problem in keeping him there, and yet for the past few days, he had been rather quiet, even considerate.

marinette swirled around in her chair, thinking of ways she could possibly encounter hawkmoth and bring the book back to master fu. her eyes traveled back to her desk, where a picture of chat noir laid. just where had her partner gone? what had happened to him that had caused his development to backfire? how was he doing right now?

the girl groaned, frustrated with her lack of ideas. bending down and grabbing her head, marinette ruffled up her let-down hair.

the sound of the toilet flushing echoed throughout marinette's room, and out from the restroom came chat, pawing at the door to successfully open the cracked open door.

this was another thing that marinette had found strange and, not surprisingly, quite eerie.

even though marinette had bought a litter box for chat, the cat had refused to use it. marinette had thought he just wasn't trained, so she had gone through the trouble to try and teach him to use the litter box, and yet no matter how many times she trained him, he would always end up using the toilet instead.

his sense of humanity had started to creep her out juuussstt a bit.

"you good, chat?" marinette said, straightening up in her seat from her bent position. his face looked edged with confusion (marinette had learned to deal with his sense of thought).

as a reply to her question, the black cat nodded. strutting up to her, the cat rubbed his head onto her leg, as if asking her for permission to sit with her.

marinette giggled, once again bending down to pick up the little creature. placing him on her lap, she slowly started to pet him. the cat purred as he looked around, getting a good view of the room from a higher perspective. and from this view. marinette's thoughts cleared and she stared at the wall, mindlessly stroking her pet.

but then chat jumped on the desk.


"oooh~ adrien, do you think we could spot some camembert from up there?" plagg said, turning their shared body to look up at marinette.

adrien stared blankly at... well, he would be staring blankly at plagg if he could see him. "plagg, stop this. use your brain for once and help me figure out more ways to get us back to normal—"

plagg cut through him. "i am using my brain, and it's shouting camembert!"

and on that note, adrien found himself walking towards marinette, his head on her leg.

and before he knew it, he was on her lap, purring.

adrien sighed in defeat, submitting to plagg's will. he looked around, hoping to find anything other than camembert, when he saw it — a picture of him in his hero costume.

his eyes widened and he leaped out of marinette's arms and onto the desk, desperately pawing at the photo, looking back and forth between it and marinette. hoping she would get the message.

marinette looked surprised for a moment, the shock of the cat's sudden movement still not coming through to her. she shook herself out of it and looked at the photo the cat had torn up a bit.

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