08 | close call

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{sorry for the super late update, i've been getting lazy and i need to do a summer reading book :))}

marinette stood up with the cat wrapped securely and protectively in her arms. she had unwillingly let go of her kitten for well over half a day and she wasn't going to let that happen again.

you see, marinette wasn't one who would give up so easily. she hated goodbyes and she hated losing anyone — even just a cat. after the disappearance of adrien and chat noir, she had began to notice that she must never let go of what she grew to love.

with a rather loud cat in her arms, the girl began to tiptoe down the alleyway, careful to go unnoticed by everything and anything.

"i managed to escape just coming out here, but will i be able to come back in?" marinette whispered, thinking aloud to herself, earning a loud almost quizzical mewl to emit from the cat. she looked down at him and smiled. "everything's gonna be okay, chaton, don't worry."

with the assurance of his owner's comforting words, the fluffy black cat drifted off to sleep, where he longingly dreamed of the day he would have two human feet again.

and on that note, she continued on to the bakery in the mid of night.

reaching her destination, marinette stopped to wonder how she would get in. she couldn't just walk back in from the front door — the sound of the bell chime on the door would surely wake her parents up. though she had used the front door to escape with the help of a long duster stick to muffle the sound of the bell, her mind thought otherwise to use the same trick again. it's not possible to stop a bell that's inside from the outside, anyway.

the seemingly calm distressed girl looked down at the cat that had fallen asleep in her arms, the crease in her brow flattening slightly as she looked at his calm state. she was doing this for him, and because of this, she would not give up. an idea formed in her head and she looked around to see if there were any civilians lurking around.

the only thing that her eyes laid upon was an empty parisian street with a light brown plastic bag tumbling down the road like a tumbleweed drifting down the desert sand.

marinette quietly walked to the side of the bakery where there was a lesser chance of being seen and looked up at her balcony. looking back down at her kitty, she crouched down and set him on the ground lightly, careful not to wake him from his slumber, and poked him on the cheek with a little pressure to see if he would wake up or not. instead of him waking up, the only response she got out of him was a light mewl and a little cute swat at the air. she giggled. apparently he was a deep sleeper.

opening her bag to let her kwami fly out, marinette murmured the quick easy simple words that turned her into one of paris's superheros — "tikki, spots on!"

the transformation took place and in an instant, instead of a simple teenage girl with a normal life, there stood a ladybug spotted heroine in a skin-tight suit ready to kick some hawkmoth butt, or in this case, carry a little sleeping kitten up to her balcony to get inside without being detected by her family.

and that's exactly what she did.

picking up the cat and cradling him in one arm, the spotted hero managed to use her free arm to latch her yoyo onto the pole of her balcony and swiftly and smoothly lift herself and company up to the rooftop.

letting out a quiet 'phew' in relief to the current situation, ladybug placed a lightly snoring kitten onto a nearby beach lounger and detransformed, finally back into her civilian form.

as if on que, chat woke up with a greeting yawn, his arms stretching outward as he lay on his stomach. his eyes opened to take in the new setting.

marinette smiled down at him and gently pet his fur, whispering reassuring nothings such as a quick 'you're safe, kitty,' or a welcoming, 'we're home now,' in his ear.

the cat meowed at her in response, not knowing the secret that he could have uncovered if he had just opened his eyes. if he had just woken up from his dream instead of stubbornly staying awake when he felt himself being placed on the cold hard floor.

and marinette had only smiled, not knowing the trouble she could have gotten herself into. because for marinette, her secret had almost just been discovered. that whole night was a close call.

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