4. Lukas

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My sister has a hard time expressing her emotions and it seems that has been noticed. Her face is straight a board while I can perfectly replicate any sort of drivel that normal humans see as emotions. It's started to make the maids wary of Luka. 

It wasn't so obvious when we were still growing, but now that we've reached toddler age, it's much clearer to see. There is only so much you can do with a baby's face. She clearly feels the emotions as I can read them, they just don't show up on her face.

This society is fairly primitive in all walks of life. It's like we've gone back to the dark ages. Documenting a child's growth while the only ones watching them are the maids, well, it doesn't seem likely they noticed she never smiled at the right time. I've taken it upon myself to try and teach her to smile.

Luka is not very bright. She has a hard time pronouncing words or conveying what she wants to say. I think this might have to do something with my birth. However, she's energetic and a quick learner.  She easily connects dots and adapts to life around her. It's very cute.

The gossiping maids, however, are not. I've marked down their names in a notebook I keep hidden behind the unused dresser. 

I've gone to the trouble of sneaking off into the library to study their technological level. I must say, it quite embarrassing to look at their magical theories. A manifestation of the will of god? Faith? What kind of bullshit!? How do they even have the balls to put this shit in a text book. I imagine that the real theories are stored and aren't provided to the public.

I'll have to forgo magical study. 

They primarily use horse and carriage and the education system seems to only be provided to the nobles. It's most likely just a social gathering place under the guise of an academy. The territory and names are uncommon and vaguely defined. Anything written down is full of propaganda and polite curses. 

Tutoring will mostly be done at home so any sort of embarrassment in someone's learning speed will only show through their speech. The king so far seems to be fairly just, although that's not something you can base off of books made for the privileged and ignorant. Sigh.

I've put thoughts into sheltering my sister from the stupid and ignorant. I hope that we'll enjoy the same freedom we have now and then I can teach her properly. The maids, still, will have to go. They are gossipy, needy, and constantly looking for something to blab about. They get too far into our personal space.

And then there is our mother.

She sees us as a mantel piece, just like children she's been taking care of. I doubt our father cares about her much. As I have grown to know her, I can grow to believe that he knew about her being pregnant and left anyway.

 Ha! Serves her right!

She's just awful. We're constantly being put up like display pieces for other nobility, carted around and dressed in uncomfortable clothes. When we start to exhibit any sort of interesting talents, her friends are called over so she can spend exorbitant amounts on showing off. I was relieved to learn that she had a limited amount of money.

We've also learned that the duke has another wife. A concubine, if you will. I heard the maids talking about how the mistress was putting infertility drugs into the concubine's food. Petty.

Luka asked why our mother wouldn't want more kids. I couldn't resist a smile at that. She's so innocent. I still had to explain to her that our mother saw the other lady's children as competition for her. 

Luka nodded dumbly. "So she's a show cat that bites the other contestants so she can win." Although I'm not sure where she got that, I agreed to the comparison. Our mother is just like a puffed up show at. 

Luka has shown interest in hunting. Sometimes she'll find mice in the rafters and will wiggle her way up there to smash them with a rock. Covered in blood, she'll run to me and present her kill. It's the cutest!!

Honestly, I think I'm becoming a sister-con. If she goes on doing these adorable things, I might just seek to make a little tower to keep her in.  The maids screamed and called her a devil child once she found out. I could almost see the anger coming off of Luka. I don't think she got exactly what the maid implied though.

I calmed them both down then, later that night, offed the maid so she didn't get a chance to spread her rumors.  Her words were enough to spark my anger as well. That night, I also got my hair pulled as Luka fussed in her sleep. 'Devil Child' is a forbidden phrase now, I've decided. 

When she woke up, she told me that she dreamed of people kicking her and screaming names at her. She was terrified. I had to hold her till she fell asleep once more. I could only empathize in silence. 

| + |

Our father has come from his post. Many battles had broken out just as the king had predicted. It was likely that our father had aged from his experience. When he came through the door, dressed in an elegant coat and leaning slightly on a cane, all were made to bow.

Luka curtsied under the pressure of our mother who had a tight grip on our shoulders. Most of the time she was calm. It seemed that his return had frazzled her nerves. "My husband," She spoke. "While you were away I have birthed you two children, twins. They were exceptionally sharp for their age. Would you like to meet them?"

Our father, a stiff and muscly man, had our white hair and a pair of bright teal eyes. He cast a glance full of curiosity, slight disdain, and discomfort. He likely did not expect anything good and sharp to come out of our dimwitted and attention-seeking mother.

We were taken to the parlor and presented once more like display pieces. Luka was incredibly uncomfortable, fidgeting her seat, reaching for my hand. I sought to introduce myself first. "Greetings Father, I am Lukas Eddigton, age 3. I am very happy to meet you." I try my best to not to allow disinterest to creep into my voice, my hand tucked in my sister's.

Luka tries to do the same. "Hello Father, I-I am Luka Eddigton, age 3." She pauses, twists her hands, and says. "I thought fathers were supposed to be bad, so where is your pointy mustache."...

I didn't laugh, although I had to cover my mouth to stop myself. 

Our Father seemed to crack at that. He bent slightly and gave a smile. "Who told you that all bad guys have mustaches?" 

"No one." Luka brightened, happy to tell him her thoughts. "They're just so ugly that only the bad guys look good with them on."  

He chuckled slightly, beckoning her with a finger. "And who told you that I was a bad guy." 

Luka chirped. "Aaron!" He's that one kid that kept bugging us in the crib. Well, needless to say, the atmosphere lightened after that. I'm glad she didn't try to scratch him when he went to pat our heads. We politely left with the knowledge that we sparked our father's interest. It was likely we would not be abandoned. 

Mother headed in after us, pale with worry. She didn't even bother to give us a look. We were brought back to our room and left alone. When we got there, Luka brightly told me. "Maybe fathers aren't that bad!" 

Sorry Luka, I wouldn't know, this is my first one.

{ Author's Note }

Lukas was an orphan in his first life, as well as a genius in magic so that large difference between knowledge makes him want to vomit. He's not going to improve their theories for the betterment of society, but to get rid of the dimwits. He just can't stand the uncultured ways of this time. 

Also, the mustache thing is just a repressed memory from cartoons from her human memories. I don't think it got across very well.

Unedited. 1380 words.

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