Her Voice Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Edited: 5/26/2020  11:36-11:49

                                                                          (> Y/N's POV<)

              I wake up early that morning to get ready for my first day of school. I had transferred schools during summer break, so I was starting at a new school.

  I had decided to not speak to anyone, I have always thought my talking voice sounded horrible versus my singing voice which sounded somewhat alright. I swing my feet over the bed and walk over to the dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans, and a black muscle shirt I slip them on and grab my used, black, high top converse and put

those on as well. I slip on my hoodie and head to the bathroom, where brush my hair and teeth putting my hair into a ponytail, I then grab my Bluetooth earbuds and slip one of them in my right ear connecting them to my phone, I very quickly pull my hood to cover my face and run downstairs to scoop up a couple croissants for lunch. I pull my skateboard out of my backpack, slip my backpack on my back and skate

all the way to school. I get to my class room early so I pull out my song book and start writing a new song. After awhile the people start entering the room, so I slip my song book into my backpack. Soon the room is filled and the teacher comes in and announces " Class we have a new student today, please

treat her kindly." she said gesturing to you. The whole class looked at you as if waiting for you to say something but I just stood there not moving an inch. After a while the teacher said " Can you tell us your name?" in response I shook my head. She then said " You can sit at the back." I followed her gaze to a lonely seat at the back. I didn't mind sitting alone, just then the teacher asks "Marinette can you go sit at the back with her please?" I notice that the face of the girl next to her sank, I quickly shook my head at the teacher indicating that it wasn't necessary to

separate the two girls. As class moved on I did all the work the teacher had us do, but when she called on me to answer a question. I looked up from my sketchbook which I had pulled out and started drawing in about halfway through the lesson, I didn't answer her question instead I walked up to the board, and wrote my answer neatly in an open space. I then walked back to my seat and sat down. The teacher looked somewhat annoyed but said  " Yes that is correct." the rest of the class went well, I wasn't asked to answer a question again, which didn't bother me in the least bit. As I was packing my books and homework a girl with dark blue hair and bluebell eyes, walked over to me along with a girl with auburn hair and big brown eyes whom I assumed was her best friend. They stood in front of her and the bluenette said "Hi I'm Marinette and this is Alya. What's your name?"

Words: 538

Her Voice/ Luka x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now