Her Voice Chapter 9 (edited)

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Edited: 5/28/2020 12:40 PM


                                                 (Choose one of those as your hairstyle)

                                                                                 (>Y/n's POV<)

Beneath me the whole class is gaping at how fast I vaulted the wall and climbed onto the rafters. Above them I'm still laughing, I suddenly fall off but manage to flip myself so that when I land I don't crash. I walk over to the teacher and ask "So how did I do?" the teacher says" Excellent you are one of the best students I have ever had." I flush at this and turn to walk away Luka comes up to me and says "Y/n I didn't realize how lucky I was when y-." he was suddenly

interrupted by a loud bang indicating an akuma had appeared at the school. I pickup Luka and run out of the gym, school and to a abandoned alleyway. I let him go and peek around the corner at a blonde screaming my name. It looks a lot like Chloe, I turn to Luka and say stay here. I run out and to another alleyway. "Rakshaa lets howl." I am immediately engulfed by a grey light and my muscle shirt and jeans turn into a skin tight suit with furry accents around the neck, my converse turn to nee high boots and a grey mask covers the top half of my face. My once black gloves turn white, on one of my gloves is a moon. On my side rests a whip, I take it into my hands and press a button showing a screen for calling Ladybug and Chat Noir, with many other buttons for other uses.

I leap from building to building, making it to the akumatized Chloe even before L.B and Chat. Before long I am in a full blown fight against her, somewhere near the middle of my fight Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive mystified with the arrival of a new superhero. For a minute they gape at me but then start attacking the akumatized Chloe. Ladybug swings her yo-yo across the street

and wraps it around a street lamp, I walk in front of the yo-yo and yell, "Moon Howl!!" Chloe hears me and follows the voice mesmerized, she trips on the yo-yo and falls on her face. Chat Noir picks up the tiny sword that was locked in Chloe's grasp and breaks it releasing the akuma. Ladybug catches the black butterfly that is flying away and devilizes it. Chat Noir and Ladybug approach me, they ask " So what's your name new superhero?" I think for a moment but answer "Akili Wolf." we shake hands and I leap off to an alleyway. I detransform and run to the alleyway where I hid Luka. I don't see him and I immediately start panicking calling his name.

I hear his voice and I turn around and run into his arms saying "I thought the akuma had got you." He pets my head saying " No I was trying to follow you to make sure you didn't get hurt." at this my brain freezes, before Luka says " But you were so fast I couldn't catch up to you. I don't even know how you fought

Adrien, he's the best fencer in his class, and you won without even running out of breath." I feel my brain relax and step out of his grasp "Well my brother was in the military and when he died I pushed myself to the limits training for him." I said looking into Luka's eyes, they softened when I mentioned my brother "Is he the one you where singing about, a week ago?" I nod at the question and comes up to me placing a kiss on my forehead. "Lets get to class." he says after a minute " Ok." I reply.

(Magical time skip brought to you by Adriens obliviousness)

After School

Everyone has went home by now by I still am here because I need to practice for the talent show I am in all black so that if someone sees me they won't know who I am. I position myself on the rafters in the gym and start to practice, for one of the two songs I will be doing for the talent show, yes one of the two songs, I had later decided to enter as 2 people and decided the second stage name would be The Moonlit Singer, I would be singing One Day. I start singing and a beautiful melody fills the gym. I can hear teachers running to the gym, they fill the gym with confused voices, once they see me they gasp, I finally notice them and start running on the rafters the teachers gasp . One of the teachers yell " Wait who are you?" I pause for a moment and write down a note. I start running again and I drop the piece of paper for them to read. One teacher runs to where I had dropped it and picks it up. They read it and whisper among

themselves. What I had written was ' The Moonlit Singer '. That is the name I use when publishing my songs I'm a very famous singer but no one knows what my face looks like. When I get home I am exhausted so I go to bed. 


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