Her Voice Chapter 5 (edited)

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Edited: 5/28/2020 11:55 AM

Warning: cute fluff/ cuddling cuteness

I wake up late that night to see Luka's soft face sleeping with with a small smile.

After a moment I realize I won't be able to fall asleep again and that to do so I would need my cuddle pillow. He is laying outside of his sleeping bag so I stick my hand  out of mine, and gently wake him, he stirs and I shyly speak "Could I cuddle with you? I can't sleep." He nods with a smile and grabs onto my sleepingbag and pulls me into a hugging position and I fall asleep in his arms. I wake up late that morning with my face pressed

against something warm, I keep my eye closed because its really nice and soft at that moment that I don't want to move so I lay there and fall asleep again. The next time I wake up something is cuddling me from

behind with it's arms wrapped around be. I stir and the thing that was holding onto me loosens it's grip,

I turn around and come face to face with big blue eyes, It's Luka. "You're so adorable when you sleep."

at that comment I blush. We get up and find that everyone was watching us from a couch placed at the back of the room. They know she that they were awake and walk over to us, Alya takes out her phone

and shows us a picture of Luka cuddling me. I blush even more than I was before and Luka's cheeks spread with a light shade of pink.

Words: 274

Her Voice/ Luka x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now