Her Voice Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Edited: 5/26/2020 11:52 AM - 12:01 PM

I finished packing my

books and looked up to them staring at me. I took out a piece of paper and wrote ' Y/n ' on it the two girls looked at me kindly and the Auburnette said "I know your new but would you like to come to a group sleepover with us?" I gently nodded my head, they then gave me their number saying that they would text the address and the time to me. After school I headed to my house to grab my f/c sleeping bag and headed to the address on my skateboard,

after a few minutes I arrived at the address, a huge building loomed before me, enclosed by a large wall. I walked up to the gates and saw a little button, I pushed it and a camera came out of the wall behind it, I quickly said that I was here for the sleepover and the gates opened . I walked to the front door which was very large and tall. The door opened revealing a blonde boy with spring green eyes. " Hello I'm Adrien I suppose your here for the sleepover?" I quickly nod my head in response and he leads me to a room, where I see all the kids in my class.

I walk over to where Alya and Marinette are sitting, and plop myself onto the floor next to them, they are talking about something I don't quite understand but that's fine with me. After a while Alya gets up and announces " Ok guys now that everyone is here lets play a game." agreements flood the room and a boy with dark skin wearing a blue t-shirt, and jeans with a red baseball cap says" Lets play Truth or Dare." again the room agrees with a couple of groans here and there. 

Overall  his idea wins and someone brings out a glass bottle to spin. It spins for a minute and lands on a girl with blonde hair and sky blue eyes, she shrieks and the whole room asks (accept for me)" Chloe truth or dare." she thinks a moment and says "Dare." " I dare you to wash your makeup off." Alya smirks as she stares at Chloe. The whole room turns to Alya, earning me a couple of glances due to me being right beside her.

"Nice one Alya." Nino says giving Alya a high five, Chloe does it and everyone is shocked because she is really quite beautiful without makeup. We spin again and to my horror it lands on me, the whole room is now staring at me. A boy with outrageous hairstyle asks "Truth or Dare?" I look at him and make a backwards D motion in the air, he studies my movements for a moment and says  " Take off your hoodie." I sigh at the request but  take off my hoodie, revealing my h/c  h/l, my softly defined abs under my muscle shirt, and my silver nose ring.

      The whole room is silent which ads to my growing worry at what they think of me, just then a boy with dark hair that's been tipped cyan says " She looks cute." I stare at the ground blushing slightly . We play Truth or Dare for a while and decide to play a different game so we write down a bunch of ideas and draw one out......

The one who dared Y/N

The one who dared Y/N

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Her Voice/ Luka x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now