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~Kaitlin Winchester~

@AustinMahone: Missing you like crazy

I open my eyes to find myself in a bed, and pain over taking my body. "Ow," I let out, my voice all starchy and broken.

"KAITLIN! KAITLIN IS AWAKE!" Someone loudly shouts, making me groan as my head starts to pound. I try to get up but realize my arm is up in a sling so I can't move. I thought I was dreaming... but no. This all actually happened. This was real. I did lose my parents.

Tears stream down my face as people rush into my room to see me. I fake a smile acting as if they're tears of joy, but they aren't. They are tears of a broken down girl. But now that I'm awake I had to face reality. I was alive. I lost my own family. But I have Austin.

Where is he?

"Kaitlin..." I hear a voice say which I reconizge to be Lily's. Her sobs were so loud, but they were of joy. She still had me. I wasn't gone. Here I was, awake.

"How long was I out?" I ask, I had barely any strength to talk. My voice hadn't been used in who knows how long.

"8 weeks," she lets out, and I immediately frown. It honestly felt like a week, but no. It was 8 weeks. 8 weeks I was stuck in that hell hole and now I wake up to another nightmare.

"Where is he?" I whisper, and Lily looks confused. I had barely any strength to continue so I just sigh, leaving it be. I didn't wanna ask but he was gone. He left once again. Great. I knew it was too good to be true.

People get nurses who examine me. They ask questions, but I didn't want to answer so I just nod weakly or shake my head when needed. If they asked a question that didn't answer 'yes' or 'no' I just didn't answer it. I wasn't even in a mood too plus I was exhausted.

Hours of tests for making sure I was okay, lots of medicines, and people checking on me every 2 minutes I now finally have time alone. My head was pounding less now at the fact I was alone. I could think and honestly that was a bad idea.

Austin was the only thing on my mind. No one told me he came to visit yet making me think I imagined it all. He didn't come. I should've known that part was a dream.

Austin still is gone.

They told me about my parents already but yet no one dared to speak about Austin so obviously he never came. Lily would've gushed about it by now, making me feel sadness at how that whole thing was a let down.

Austin didn't even come.

"Hey Kaitlin... I forgot to tell you..." I hear a voice whisper, making my eyes avert over to the door frame. There stood Lily, her pink lip in between her teeth and she looked nervous.

I hoped she had the news I wanted.

I nod eagerly, wanting her to continue.

"Uhm Austin was here. But before you get mad just know he missed you, Kaitlin, and he left this for you," she says, going forward to me with a letter in hand. "He stopped his tour for you Kaitlin, was here for about five weeks. He was by your stand as if he was your boyfriend, Kaitlin. It was honestly so cute," she continues, my heart starting to ache.

I immediately grab the letter from her, having some difficulty opening it and Lily even helped. She saw how eager I was and it was actually so embarrassing, but I didn't care. I wanted to read what he wrote. I longed for his sweet words written down on some piece of paper.

My eyes scan it and then I start to read:

Dear Kaitlin,

When you wake up, I'm sorry to say I won't be there. I took enough time off on my tour to just be with you. I'm so sorry for everything. You didn't deserve that. I don't deserve a second chance but I hope Im given one by the most beautiful girl in the world. It was nice just seeing your face and holding your hand. You still looked stunning. I was just glad to witness it in person. You've grown so much, and you don't have that cute baby face. You really look different and I'm sad I didn't witness it Kaitlin. I really fucked up. I hope you can forgive me. I can't be without you in my life and I know that. I always have known it I just denied it. It was for a good reason though. Trust me, okay? I'm back now. For good. I mean it this time. I am not going anywhere. Here is my new number: 555-745-8874 . I know what you're thinking and yeah I know. 74 won't leave my damn life.

I had to let out a weak laugh out at that part. My lips immediately curved into a smile and soon I continued to read:

This tour is over soon and then I'll be with you. I promise. I actually do promise you, Kaitlin. I can't be without you. I didn't want to leave but you know my Mahomies mean a lot to me. You would've done the same. As soon as you finish this letter will you please facetime me. Don't call or text. Facetime. I wanna see your face and hear you voice after all this time. I thought I heard it while you were out but honestly I think I was so shaken up being without you. I blame myself for this because if we were still talking this probably wouldn't have happened. You'd be here on tour with me and I want you to come but you're hurt. You need rest. Anyways, princess-

I had to stop reading because my cheeks turned red and Lily immediately dashed over to look at the letter. I just pointed to the princess part making her break out into a full grin herself. It just felt nice to know he cared again.

I really miss you. So much. Facetime me so I can see your beautiful face. I can't wait to be able to hug you and honestly I need you in my life.

Yours Truly,

Austin Mahone

I could feel the grin on my face start to hurt me from all the energy it was taking from me, but I didn't care. I was just happy after everything that has happened. I felt content at the moment and only wanted to focus on the small part of Austin that I had.


She's awake! Finally :) I bet you thought she was gone, but nah. This story is going to get even better. I've written up to chapter Seventeen so expect daily updates. Love you all. Please share this story. My goal is 400 hearts. :)

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