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Austin Mahone

@AustinMahone: You make me nervous, and you don’t even realize it
Two weeks had past and I could feel how anxious I was to see Kaitlin. I was going to hug her so tight, but of course be careful of her broken arm. I didn't wanna hurt her anymore then I already have. Trust me. I'm going to spend the rest of my life making up for my mistakes and protecting her. She's all I ever need.

I walk out from my plane and follow my mom to a car that would be taking us to Kaitlin's house. Well, her grandparents house which was a block away from mine luckily. This was good because when she needed me I could run over and be there. Any time of the day she needed me I'd come.

The car ride actually felt like forever since I was so giddy to see her. My leg kept bouncing up and down in anticipation. I just wanted to see her. I wanted to make sure she was for sure awake. I wanted to make sure this wasn't some dream. I just wanted to know she still was here with me. I just wanted her.

As we pull up, I notice a balcony which lend to an open door which lead to Kaitlin's room. I see the door is wide open yet no Kaitlin is inside, making my stomach twist and turn. Where could she be? Did I come at a back time? I should just head home first, but I wanna see her.
I ignore my nervous thoughts and just decide to be a little stupid. I just walk right up to the door and want to knock. My mom follows behind me, sensing my eagerness to just see her and have a conversation with her face to face for the first time in about two years. You know how nerve wracking that is. Our hug has to be perfect. Our first words have to be perfect. Why am I over stressing this? It’s just Kaitlin.
My mom knocks the door for me since I started pacing back and forth. I was just nervous so before the door even was open my mom had to hold me still by placing one hand on my shoulder. She gave me a reassuring look and I knew it would be okay. Where would I be without my mom?
The door opens slowly to reveal Kaitlin’s grandma, Layla, who smiles at me and invites me in quietly along with my mom, of course.
“Kaitlin is upstairs in her room. Just went up actually…” she voices, gesturing to the staircase nearby. I nod my head and make my way up, being slow as I think over what I’m going to say. What I’m going to do? What would Kaitlin want me to do? As I’m half way up I’m stopped by the most beautiful girl walking down the stairs.
My heart stops as I stare at her in awe. Our eyes don’t dare break contact as we just simply stare at each other. Her grandma and my mom had left the room so it was just us right now. We both didn’t speak because her eyes said it all.
“Austin, I-”
“Didn’t know I was coming?”
I finish her sentence for her, making a smile to appear on her perfect pink lips that always had the same effect on me. They always made me want to kiss them, but I never can. I mean I have, but I couldn’t every day like I wanted to.
“Why are-”
“Here? To see you of course,” I finish for her once again, making the heat rush on to her cheeks making her red like a tomato, but it’s cute. I’m glad I didn’t tell her I was coming because she would’ve got all dressed up and put on make up. I wouldn’t have got to see the small scars on her face. They weren’t that bad, but I knew they made her feel insecure and would remind her of what happened.
“You wanna-”
“Go to your room? Sure,” I say, smiling. Kaitlin lets out a cute laugh, before turning on her heel and heading to her room. I follow behind her quietly, looking around the house. I notice pictures of her, her family, and her grandparents on the wall. Kaitlin didn’t even glance over at them so slow down for me to look at them. I think it just pains her too much to look.
There was so much different about her.
The way she walked was sexier. She would just move her hips, making her butt sway nicely. The sass she held was evident in her hips, and it was hot. Something boys probably drooled over, including me. But the fact it was an easy turn on made me jealous. While I’ve been gone boys have been googly eyed over her.
Another thing that changed was her baby face, and little plumped body. She wasn’t ever this skinny and fit. I could see her little v-lines in the small part of skin she showed near her hip. The sweats she wore were sagging a bit, and her tank top was a little too small where a little cleave was shown as well. I remember she had a very small chest two years ago and now she actually made something. I mean she always did have an ass, but now she had a decent amount of both. She was the definition of perfect, honestly.
Her hair was blonde now too, with brown seeping through a bit, giving her a natural glow. The color made her look tanner too, or maybe she actually got tan. I wonder how. She always burns out in the sun and she hates spray on tans or tanning booths. Maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks.
Before I can continue and observe her body more for changes we were in her room. She immediately plopped herself down on the bed, and patted the spot next to her which soon was filled with my large body. I always hated the way my body was shaped, making me look scrawny. It wasn’t attractive, but girls loved it. It’s nice to have girls calling me hot and sexy and such, but it doesn’t mean much coming from someone besides the person you actually want to hear it from.
“How you feeling?” I speak up, instantly wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling me to my chest. She placed her casted up arm on my chest and then put the other arm near my face to trace circles on my cheeks. I don’t dare stop her either, enjoying the way her fingers made my skin tingle from her touch. No one ever has an effect on me like Kaitlin does. She was different.
“Horrible,” she admits, making me realize how much trust she still has in me after everything I have done. I would’ve hated me. I would’ve pushed me away by now. I definitely wouldn’t be cuddling with me right now or playing with my hair or even tracing on my face. She just seemed so comfortable with me though and I liked that.
“Lets do something fun. Alex, Robert, Zach, Marina, Lily, you, and me should all go camping tomorrow night. How does that sound?” I ask her, noticing a certain gleam in her eyes that made my heart beat faster. She bit her lip which I know that is something she did when she was nervous. It was the cutest thing in the world and I was surprised she hasn’t grown out of it.
“I’d like that,” she whispers, a smile appearing on her soft lips.

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