/-Chapter 0-\

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   Katsuki Bakugo, the worlds most popular adventurer and pretty rich for a commoner. He was a skilled swordsman with a rare magical item that allows him to create explosions.

   He had conquered many dungeons in the land of the Seas and Frost. But news of a new tower, one that no one has been able to pass, as spread like wildfire.

   Many brave men and women have entered the tower and failed, will our hero find his way to the top and defeat the boss? Or will he fail like the others before him?

--Katsuki's POV--

   I lazed at the nearest tavern to the tower, news of the tower was spreading everywhere as I simply sipped away at my drink. Luckily, having a pretty high tolerance to Alcohol comes into use here and their.
   The bartender was polishing a glass when another man, with half red and white hair ordered a drink. The bartender quickly made him his drink before going back to polishing glasses.
   The half and half bastard, what I will now be calling this retarded look adventurer, was glancing around the tavern. He seemed to have some sort of hearing item since he continuously spaced out.
   I frowned. This guy was probably going to be taking on the tower and by his appearance he seemed to be a fairly strong adventurer. I ran my hand through my spiky ash blond hair as I stood up and placed my payment down.
   The bartender quickly took the money and thanked me and with that I left. I was going to be the one to beat the tower. I will slay the finally boss. And I will become the richest adventurer of all time.

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