/-Chapter 6-\

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Video at the top is just me fangirling cause it's HOT AND YOU SHOULD WATCH IT! KAMINARICHU APPROVED

--Katsuki's POV (3rd)--

A soft ding alerted Katsuki, he stopped and reached into his backpack to pull out a report stone. Every adventurer had one, it was only used when someone reaches the final boss of major dungeons so people could watch.

Kaminari and Kirishima both had their own out as well, interested to see what was going on.

The stone projected a vast stone room with looming stone pillars, tapestries hung on the wall along side windows with images of angles and demons. A throne sat on the clear opposite side and seated in that throne was a messy, green haired demon with bright emerald green eyes.

The demon stood, deep green wings fully extended to a wingspan of twelve feet, and a matching whip thin tail lay curled around his legs. Katsuki had to admit, the demon was fucking hot as hell.

" Welcome." The demon said as he raised his right hand. " I hope you enjoyed your climb." The adventurer, a messy purple haired dude that looked like he hadn't slept for weeks, looked like he was about to say something when a blinding green flash obstructed the view of the report stone.

After the light dimmed Katsuki was left with his mouth agape. Where the adventurer stood, now remained a gaping hole in the side of the tower. An adventurer that made it one hundred floors to the boss, was wiped out in a single blast. The demon sat down and gave a wicked smirk before the report ended, leaving the group in shock.

" I think we should totally get out of this tower before we end up getting blasted across the continent." Kaminari said. " You know what, Kaminari actually has a pretty good idea for once, we should do that!" The idiots began to nervously laugh and Katsuki just rolled his eyes.

The red head scratched the nape of his neck. " But seriously dude, did you see that? The guy managed to get to the top on his own and still was taken down in one shot." Katsuki growled. " Shut up shitty hair, I'm not losing to some fucking demon. We should get going anyways, the nineteenth floor isn't going to wait for us."

The aggressive teen fixed his gloves and put the report stone away. His glittering crimson gaze blazed with a determination to beat the dungeon and earn all of its riches.

--Izuku's POV (3rd)--

As soon as the report stones magic wore off Izuku hurried over to the hole in his tower. He gave himseld a mental face palm as he stared at the damage. He didn't need to use that much power but he panicked and just blasted him.

Nervously, Izuku summoned Ochako, as the demon prince he could summon his generals or other demons at will and right now he needed the demon to help clean his mess.

In a pink flash the demon appeared. " Gosh darn it Deku." She said as she stared at the rubble. She sighed and raised her left hand, muttered some ancient Demonese and stepped back.

Izuku smiled as the tower began to mend itself, Ochako had done a few repairs and almost all of them where because of him. When he was younger he didn't know how to control his powers and would end up either breaking the things around him or his own bones.

The young demon prince was never thought much magic other then the combat spells he uses. Healing and other spells of that sort where more Ochacos specialty so he didn't bother learning any.

" You panicked, didn't you?" The pink demon asked, her rosey cheeks puffed out. Izuku gave her a nervous laugh. " No, I was completely in control!" He lied. His friend frowned, he knew that she was completely aware of his fib but didn't want to pressure him.

She shrugged. " Whatever, I'm sure you did fine." She said with a thumbs up and a wink. Izuku smiled and embraced his friend. " Thanks Ochako." He said happily. " Any time." She said as she returned the hug.

But in the back of his mind, Izuku had an odd feeling, as if something was not completely right in the tower and if he didn't figure it out his life could be in danger.

Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be out asap, I also may or may not have just quickly wrapped up the ending for this chapter since I kinda don't know where I want to go but you know what? I'Ll FigUrE iT oUt!

Demon Tower (Bakudeku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz