/--Side Story 1--\

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Side stories will have nothing to do with the plot of the main one. I'm going to write these just for some nice fluff and when I'm thinking about the next chapter.

--Izuku's POV (3rd)--

Izuku lay curled in his husbands lap, tail slightly wagging as Katsuki pet his wild green hair. " Hey Deku, I'm taking you out later." Katsuki said as he stopped petting the smaller boy.

The demon lifted his wing to look at the handsome ash blond human. " Oh? Where are we going?" He asked, tilting his head to the left a little.
Katsuki shrugged. " Not telling you."
Izuku puffed out his cheeks and pouted. " Fine." He mumbled.

Katsuki laughed as he settled down onto their bed. Izuku sat up and crawled over to lay next to him, they stared at the dark ceiling of their room for a while, neither saying a word. " So... Kacchan, when are we going?" The greenette asked.

Their was no response, Izuku looked over to see that Katsuki had fallen asleep, he had worked hard to collect a rare item so it only made sense that he was tired. Katsuki's face looked peaceful as he slept, spiky ash blond hair messier than usual, his normally furrowed eye brows now relaxed into his peaceful expression, and the soft rise and fall of his toned chest made Izuku slightly shiver.

Izuku then grabbed their blanket and pulled it over them, he snuggled into the warmth that was his husband and smiled in content. Izuku loved being with his husband and their was nothing he would rather do than always be by his side.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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