/-Chapter 2-\

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--Kirishima's POV (3rd)--

The Tower was pretty terrifying, he had no clue as to why he wanted to go and now their really was no turning back. The red head fiddled with the magical item around his wrist that allowed him to harden. His red gaze trained ahead at what might possibly be another death.

   Adventurers can die, he knew this since he has died many times before, but the only way to be revived is to have the Revival Item and this item can only be used once, so you need to make sure you always have one.

   Bakubro seemed unfazed by the very threatening and super creepy tower. He admired him for his bravery and sometimes wished he could be just like him.

   The ash blond turned to him. " You ready knuckle head?" He asked. Kirishima had no words, he just gave a sort of confident nod. Bakubro rolled his eyes and pushed the doors to the first floor open and walked inside. Kirishima hesitated before following his companion.

   The room was lit by torches, and along the walls a dark red liquid was oozing from the cracks, the room smelled horrendous and Kirishima was trying his best not to throw up. He then looked and saw a severed arm drenched in blood and a thick black goo.

   Shivering Kirishima hid behind Bakubro, nothing was happened And it sure as hell was scaring the crap out of him. " Stop shaking." Bakubro said, his crimson gaze boring into Kirishimas brighter red ones.

   A deep hissing sounds startled Kirishima, he turned to see three monsters, each one with huge gaping jaws and saliva dripping slowly down bloodied teeth. The beast had gnarled claws but it stool upright like a human and had a bit of cloth around its waist. He shrieked and activated his magical item, instantly hardening his skin.

   Bakubro yelled and drew his sword, charging the monsters without hesitation. Kirishima didn't want to watch so he closed his eyes. Her heard Bakubros sword cut through the monsters skin, the splatter of their blood and the final groan or shriek before they died. In moments the three monsters lay dead on the floor, Bakubro breathed evenly as he checked if he received anything good.

   Kirishima was shocked, those three monsters where taken down so easily by the ash blond and for a moment he realized that this was the first out of one hundred floors and all of his confidence went quickly down the drain.

--Katsuki's POV (3rd)--

   Katsuki kicked the dead body of one of the ogres hybrids. They were the lowest levels of monsters so this was a peace of cake, it was a bonus that he didn't need his explosion magic.
   After collecting his reward of a few jewels he sheathed his sword and approached Shitty Hair. " Let's go. I want to reach floor ten before we have a break." He said.
   Shitty Hair didn't say anything as the door to the set of stairs to floor two opened. The smell was the same, the iron smell of human blood and the more putrid smell of monster blood.

   The next room was fairly similar to the last room, but this time it was completely dark. Katsuki's frowned and used his explosion gloves to glow slightly. No monsters had appeared yet so both males entered, both alert for any signs of danger.
   The hissing sounds from before told them that the monsters had arrived, and the room quickly lit up. A sort of bat creature sat hanging from a pillar near the edge of the room. It's head looked like that of a human but the rest of its body exactly like a bats.
   " Adventuerersssss...... journey endssssss here." It said it a deep scratchy voice. Katsuki smirked. " I would like to see you try." He sneered. " You ugly ass fucker." He added. The monster made an inhuman screech and released the pillar, spreading its slightly torn wings it soared over the two males and crashed into the wall.
   " I'll kill...... will not..... sssssurvive!" It shouted. I small flicker of fire escaping its mouth. A sizzling noise began to erupt from the monster throat and a moment later it blasted a huge burst of fire, heating the room up and illuminating some of the dark parts to reveal corpse after corpse.

  " Shitty Hair, go for the wings." He yelled before activating his gloves, a dark grin spread across his face. " I'm going to splatter your fried insides across the wall." He shouted before raiseing his hands and sending a huge blast directly at the beast.

I don't really have an updating schedule yet so the chapters will come out at random. Also, this chapter might go under some light or heavy editing for extra details. Thanks for reading and the next chapter will be out soon.

Demon Tower (Bakudeku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz