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At the national Army's campsite, after the alarm.

All the soldiers stood in line. Each line stood one hundred soldiers or more. In total, it was two thousand lines. The soldiers wore a green military uniform with a green helmet. On their back hanged their weapons, which were M4A1 or M4. The first two lines were a little different from the others. The first ones wore the same uniform, but they had golden stars with short green or red textiles, which showed they were higher ranked officers, like the others. For example a commander or captain.

Behind them stood the operators and medical soldiers. In front of the first row stood the military leader whose name was Ellen. He was around sixty years. He had white hair, blue eyes, and he wore a white uniform with medals. The medals look liked golden stars with short green or red textiles, each of the shoulders had shoulder ornament, which was five golden stars. 

He had a black desert eagle which was attached to his black belt. Under his left shoulder, he kept his white cap. He took a deep breath and continued his speech. "Soldiers, I look at you and I see so many good men, who ready to fight. I see friends, brothers or sisters and sadly I know maybe we won't see each other again." He looked through to the queues and continued. "We don't know how strong the enemy yet, but we have to fight. We are not just fighting for our country. We are fighting for our futures, our children, and our families. We are fighting for our beloved world. And you know what, we will win like so many times." He confidently and loudly finished his speech. The soldiers loudly cheered and replied in unison. "U rah!" 

Meanwhile, an officer walked to Ellen. The officer had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She wore a black and dark blue uniform with a grey cap. She kept a file in her hands. "Officer?" Ellen turned to her and asked her. "Sir, we have an emergency situation. The communication with Alola and Sinnoh regions were cut off. We can't reconnect with them. Also, we can't find a chosen one." The captain nodded then he turned back to the microphone. 

When the coward claimed down, Ellen began to give orders. "Third and Sixth battalions, tomorrow morning you will go to Kanto region as reinforcements. The fifth Battalion, your mission is to protect Orange islands. Fourth and seventh battalions, you are going to Jhoto region as reinforcements. The eighth Battalion, your mission is to protect the Unova region. First and Second battalions stay here and protect Kalos. Ninth and tenth battalions prepare to assist the Sinnoh and Alola region. You are dismissed " He gave out his commands then he turned to the officer. "Officer, call Task Force 151 and tell them they have to find a chosen one!" The officer nodded then she turned around and left a place.

Next day 

Every soldier was at the military airport where ac130s and military helicopters waiting for them to take off. After everyone took off, Ellen went back to base where a digital map showed the position of the teams. 

After days, and years and so many losses, they couldn't stop Team Flare, because on their side was mind controlled or evil aura user, who could stop bullets or any kind of attacks. Task Force hadn't found the chosen one yet.

Welcome back, guys!

I know it's a short chapter. But i wanna see it better or worse than a previous version?

Please tell me your thought about it.

See you next time with a longer chapter I promise.

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