Chapter three

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"Shit! Evac team, do you copy?" Machtavis asked on his radio. Nobody answered to the captain. He repeated a question again. "Price do you copy?" After a long wait, the evac team's leader replied. "We hear you, but we can not reach you. They have auras team." "How far are you from us?" "We are one or two kilometers far from the east. I send you the coordinates." "Copy that!" The captain replied. Then he began to think about how should reach them. "Soap I out of ammo and our Pokemon are tired." Suddenly Nikolai yelled to him. Yuri heard that, and he gave him to his m4a1's magazines because he was occupied with the injured fighter. "Okay, listen up everyone! We have to try to reach our team. When I say, you will call back your Pokemon. Kiawe and Yuri grab the injured girl then begin to run. Then Mallow's team follow them! After me and Nikolai close the queue, understood?" Machtavis explained to the team. The fighting team returned their Pokemon expect Nikolai and Machtavis, then prepared to run. Yuri called out his hoondum and ask him to carry the girl. He helped put her on it.

"Fire!" Nikolai and the team leader began to shoot. The captain continued the order giving. " Hondi use smokescreen! Then Yuri and Mallow's team, Move out!" His Dragon-like dog Pokemon opened his mouth. Then a black smoke came out. Team Flare stopped attacking, because they couldn't see anything. Kiawe and Yuri with the injured green-haired girl who was on his hoondum began to run. Meanwhile, Nikolai and his captain protected them. After one long minute, they began to run too.

When the team arrived near to Price's team, they heard shooting. They searched for some hiding place before the enemy saw them. They waited until the captain and Nikolai arrived

Meantime with Mallow, she was still dreaming about Ash. "Ash, I love you!" She said to the raven-haired boy then she kissed him. After some make-out, Ash said something unusual thing. "Honey, time to wake up!" Mallow didn't understand first. Ash repeated. "Wake up!" She recalled her memories of his death and a situation where she was. She heard some familiar sounds. "Go, go, go" She opened her eyes, but her sight was foggy she felt she was being carried on Pokemon, and she saw people silhouette which she assumed her teammates, and they were running somewhere. Then she collapsed again, and when she woke up, she just heard some shouting." I am out of ammo!" She heard yelling Yuri "Take cover!" She heard the captain. Then the darkness took her sight again. After some minutes, she got her sense back and heard some unfamiliar sound, shootings, and Pokemon who charged their attacks. Then one of the unfamiliar sounds introduced himself. " I am Captain Price, get her to the truck and get out of here." "She is still unconscious?!" She heard Price asked Yuri. "Yes!" She listened to their conversation, and she tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. "Give her an adrenaline shot! We need her awake." Mallow felt a sharp sting on her chest. Then her eyes shot up She looked around meanwhile tried to take a deep breath. When she calmed down, she saw she was in a truck. The truck's roof was dark green tilt and the seats were black leather. On her right side sat Yuri and on her left was Kiawe. On Kiawe left side sat her team. She turned to her right and asked. "Where are we and who exactly are you?" "We are heading to alola's military base, where you will tell us what are you doing here. And my name is Captain price" Price replied He looked like this:

 And my name is Captain price" Price replied He looked like this:

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