Chapter Three - Drive Me to Drink

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Mark sat there, twirling his glass of half emptied water. He wasn't one for optimism, so it stayed half empty. He wasn't able to drink, so he decided to order water instead, drinking in the ambience of the bar.

Marks head was down as he watched the occasional rippling of the liquid in his glass. He hated what fate dealt him. He could never just drink until he was numb. He hated himself.

But Mark was stubborn. If he couldn't drink liquor, then he'd drink water until he felt sick, or inhale the sour smell of alcohol in a bar. Sometimes both.

Every time he goes to the local bar, he's reminded of the surgery he had a while back. The white hot pain.. the agony he felt.. he never wanted to endure that again.

But each time he experienced a tragedy, or something goes even remotely close to wrong, he's driven closer and closer to that poison. To the sweet embrace of death. Albeit painful.

That's why he's closed himself off. From all the pain. His friends. His family. Even Amy's close to giving up on him. She can't take the fact that every time she thinks she's close to breaking his shell, she has to start all over again.

Mark didn't want Amy to leave of course, but he couldn't tell her what was on his mind. He never wanted her to worry for him.

And Sean. They used to be real close until the accident. Then he decided to separate himself from Sean as well. That's what hurt the most. His best friend.

Mark took another sip of the water, letting out a half growl half huff. He hated remembering the most.

-December 1st, 2017-

Mark remembered seeing Sean walking home that night, his hands in his pockets as he was whistling a particular tune. It was a song he enjoyed. Life Under The Influence.

Mark knew this because it was a song that got Sean through all the heartaches with Sarah.

Sean took a corner, into a particularly bad neighborhood. Given Mark a lot of trouble before.

Mark followed him, worried for his best friend. And he was right to be worried. Sean had been pulled into a alleyway, a gun to his head.

The guy was screaming, "The Merlott job! You were the driver! About got my cousin fucking killed, you piece of shit!" The guy pushed Sean's head back into the wall with the tip of the gun harshly.

Sean stammered, his eyes widened and he looked scared shitless. "W-What? What are you t-talking about?" Sean had green hair back then. Very definable feature.

"Don't play dumb, you green bastard! I'm sure the cops would pay a pretty sum of money for your head!"

That's when Mark stepped in, pulled out his own gun and pointing it at the guy, his voice deadly calm.

The guy froze.

"Now give me the gun. Slowly. Or things could get ugly. I don't want to have to wipe your brains off the bricks." Mark reached his hand forward.

Before he could grab the gun, the guy shoved his elbow back into Marks side, knocking the wind from him as he coughed, backing into the other wall.

"You'll both fucking pay for thi-" The guy was cut off when Sean shoved him, distracting him for a moment as Sean made a run for it, deeper into the alley.

When Mark recovered from the blow, he looked up, seeing the guy aiming right for Sean, causing Mark to scream out for him. "Sean!"


-Present Day-

Mark closed his eyes tightly, grimacing at the memory. "If only I'd not been such an idiot.." Mark blames himself for the incident. And that day is when he decided it was enough to turn cold.

Mark couldn't bare the guilt he felt. He would've turned to drink and retired if he could've. But he couldn't drink. And he needed a distraction.

"I'm sick of the hiding.. the running.." Mark trailed off, knowing he couldn't say the other part even in a whisper. Ears are everywhere nowadays. Mark had paranoia. But it didn't keep him locked inside all day.

He wouldn't let his disability cripple his ability to function properly as a human being. But he couldn't stand the eyes he felt on him.

Mark and Sean both had quit YouTube. Mark because he couldn't stand being around all his fans when he wasn't giving them one hundred percent.

Sean quit because he had to focus on his daughter, his life and his job. Although his job took up most of his time with his kid.

Of course, their fans felt a mixture of understanding, anger and grief. One person even said they'd kill themselves.

But it was nothing compared to Marks anxiety and paranoia along with Sean's strong feeling to focus on his family.

And it helped that the majority of their fans were supportive about it, although they'd miss them.

Mark suddenly stood up, taking one last look around before leaving the bar. He placed his hands in his pocket, keeping his head down.

Mark didn't want another disaster to break out. After he quit YouTube, one of his fans saw him out in public and literally started bawling.

It took hours to calm them down and even then they still felt extremely upset. Their Mother even wanted to sue him for the stress he caused from the fan even looking at him.

Mark scoffed, shaking his head. The extent that parents will go for their children these days was sickening to him.

He didn't do anything besides show his face. Although he felt bad for the teenager, it just wasn't necessary.

And that's what he had to go through every other day. That was basically his weekend plans. Causing distress to just another person who used to adore him.

Mark frowned suddenly, having a hole in his heart. He had never wanted to leave. His life went downhill ever since he took that first damn job.

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