Chapter Thirteen - Fate Be Changed

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Sean searched the inside of the building two times, each being more thorough then the last time. Amy wasn't in there and there was no sign of anyone else. "Dammit.." He mumbled, walking out the front door.

Sean gazed up at the night sky, releasing a small sigh and watching as his breath crystalized in front of him. He thought that maybe she'd be here. That maybe there'd be a happy ending after all. But that's just it. He could only hope. And he knew that hope wasn't good enough.

He closed his eyes. "I'm sorry Mark.. Amy.. Samantha. I failed all of you. Including you, Mark.. You died trying to protect me. It should've been me. Not you." He knew he couldn't change what happened, but if he was just given another chance.. maybe he could fix what had been done.

"I knew I'd find you here."

Sean's eyes flew open again, his whole body stiffening. "Who are you?" Was the first question that he could manage. "And what do you want from me?"

The man chuckled before responding. "You're one brave man." He circled Sean, the gun still pointing at his head and never wavering. "To be asking questions with a gun pointed at you."

The man stopped in front of him, his eyes narrowed into slits. "But I'll answer one of your questions. And only one. Choose."

Sean hesitated before going with the more logical and the most important one on his mind. "Where have you taken Amy and Samantha?"

The guy made a tsk sound, shaking his head. "That's not how this works. You see, I'm only going to answer one of the questions you asked before. Who am I, or what do I want."

Sean forced back at growl at this, mentally calling himself an idiot. "Okay.. What do you want with me then?"

"Oh? People usually pick who are you. I wasn't really expecting this, but what can I expect from a former YouTuber who focused too much on the story and graphics of a game rather than how hard it was? Rhetorical question."

Sean swallowed the thick spit forming at the back of his throat, eyeing the man warily. "You must know a lot about me then. Now answer my question. Please."

The man conceded, rolling his eyes. "Fine. We want revenge. You killed one of our own and your buddy, Mark, has been snooping in our operation for years. Ruining plans, putting our men out of commission. We realized that the only way he'd stop, is if we took out one of his friends. You."

Sean's eyes immediately welled up with tears. "Well you can stop now. Mark's dead.. and I just want my Samantha back. And Amy."

The man shook his head again, "Don't you see? I can't trust your word on that. It'd be better if we just.." He trailed off, his eyes flashing. "Killed all four of you. We know about Felix. My men are on their way to collect him now."

Sean wiped his tears away quickly, his eyes widened. "No! You can't hurt him! He has nothing to do with any of this! Please! Kill me, not them! They don't deserve any of this.. I do!"

The guy shrugged, flicking the tip of his gun to the side. "Turn around and I'll make this quick. You won't feel a thing and I'll make sure Amy and Samantha's deaths are quick. Can't say the same for your pal, Felix."

"No, please! I'm begging you!" Without hesitation, Sean got to his knees. "It was all me! I swear! None of the others will tell anyone! You have my word! You have my word.. you have my word! I don't want this fate for them.." He hiccuped, already sobbing.

The man was visibly uncomfortable and perhaps a little shaken at this, an eyebrow raised. "You'd go as low as to get on your knees and beg me? You truly are pathetic, you know. But I guess I could do you a solid. Tell you what, I'll let you see them."

Sean sobbed louder at this, relief and uncertainty mixing inside of him.

"They'll get to see you beaten to a bloody pulp and then executed.. but it's worth seeing them again, isn't it? Although.." The man knelt beside him, grinning slightly. "For them, seeing you like that is a fate worse than death."


When Sean left, Daniel felt the need to speak to Mark's motionless body. He didn't know why, but he felt as if it was his fault that he'd died. "If only I'd tried harder.. maybe taken him to the hospital instead.. he could've lived."

Daniel brushed some of Mark's hair out of his face, "I've never seen you so relaxed before. I mean, I have.. but it was long before you joined the game. Before you started driving for others. Before you lost your positive outlook on the world."

He sighed deeply, wishing he could see Mark's chocolate colored eyes again. "I know what you'd say to me if you saw me this way. You'd tell me that it's in the past. That it's done and over with. But how could you? How could you.. when you're here with me. In front of me. In the present."

Daniel took a long and deep breath before releasing it. He knew it wouldn't do him any good to get angry at Mark. In fact, he was more angry at himself for getting angry at a dead man. "Even in death I can still argue with you."

Daniel placed a hand on Mark's shoulder, his eyebrows creasing slightly. "And even in death.." He trailed off and looked closer at Mark's face, releasing his shoulder from his grip. "Even in death.." He began again, trying not to assume things right away.

"Even in death you're still.. still warm." His eyes widened slightly and he placed his ear next to Mark's chest. "Your heartbeat.. Oh my God. Your pulse was weak but you were still.. You're not.." Daniel stammered, his heart skipping a beat. "You're.. not.."

"You're not dead."

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