Chapter Fourteen - Nostalgia

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Mark sat up, a sharp pain rocketing through his abdomen and making him groan. So, I guess now you're a doctor." He'd woken up an hour after Sean left. A little after Daniel discovered he'd been alive the entire time.

Daniel rolled his eyes, "Oh really now? It was a mistake, okay? I didn't realize you were alive. You had a weak pulse! It's not my fault you're a dick even when you're near death."

"Hey! I can't just.. program.. my body to have a weak pulse! Even if I could, that's the dumbest prank known to man. It could have serious consequences." Mark responded rather harshly, keeping his head low.

"Mark.." Daniel trailed off, leaning on his desk. "Sean's been gone for a while now. Trying to find Am-" He stopped, sighing.

Mark's eyes narrowed, "Trying to find..? Trying to find who? Last time I checked, his daughters name doesn't begin with an A."

"Well.." Daniel stammered, bringing his hands together in nervous fidgeting. "You're not going to like what I have to say."


Felix sank into the couch with a sigh, his blue orbs wandering around Sean's living room. It was seemingly untouched. Dust had settled on the books on the shelf behind the couch, many of the books being unmarked and worn from use.

"Must be the books Sammy's written.." Felix smiled fondly, remembering her writing phase. He enjoyed listening to her musical voice spin wild and fantastic tales of dragons, fairies and rogue hunters from a faraway kingdom.

Felix shook his head, knowing he should be focused on looking for clues as to where they've taken Samantha. "If I don't find anything soon, Sean is going to flip a lid." He sighed, his eyes scamming the room again.

He fixed his gaze onto the old frame hung on the wall. The frame had been many years old, most of the old wood being dark and cracked. A picture of a wolf pinned between the glass and the back of the frame, a picture Felix snapped himself for Samantha's birthday.

She'd always been fascinated by wolves, Timber wolves were her favorite.

Felix stood, walking ever so slowly over to the frame as if the smallest step could shatter the memory of her large smile and her gorgeous blue eyes.

Felix was entranced as he lifted his fingers up to brush across the wood. He could feel the wear and tear from over the years, the once smooth to the touch frame, now ridged and collecting dust.

After a moment, he pulled his fingers away. A deep sigh escaped his lips and he stepped back, the feeling of dread and urgency swirling deep inside of him and making him uneasy.

He wanted to find Samantha and bring her home to Sean. He wished there was a way to find her without putting everyone at risk.

Felix was drawn out of his memories when a small rattling sound caught his attention. He turned slowly, being careful not to make any sound.

The pounding in his ears accompanied by his rapidly increased breathing didn't help the situation either. He knew he'd have to find some place to hide.

His mind was panicking as he searched, head on a swivel. "Where.." Felix trailed off, figuring it'd be best to make a beeline for a room. He tried not to make a sound as he make his way to the nearest one. He could hear voices beyond the door, making the dread in his stomach swirl angrily.

Felix's blood ran cold at the sound emitting from the floor. One of the boards creaked, the voices quieting. "Shit.." He mumbled, feeling a pressure on his chest from the anxiety.

He quickly opened one of the doors, darting inside and looking around. "Sean's room." He confirmed to himself, trying to make himself feel better with a small amount of talking. Even if it was only himself.

Felix found a place to hide quickly, opening the doors to the wardrobe and climbing inside. He did his best to close them back quietly, the doors making a small click when they came in contact with the magnet.

Felix lowered himself down, hiding himself in a small pile of clothes on the wardrobe floor. His breathing grew heavier with each passing second, the silence enveloping him.

Finally, after five minutes of agonizing waiting, the door to Sean's room swung open, Felix stiffening. "I know I heard something. I thought you said they sweeper this place?" A man spoke, his voice thick with.. an accent Felix couldn't place.

"Yeah? Well I wasn't there! It's not like I'd know if they searched every nook and cranny, numbskull!" Another man barked back, "Lets just find this Swedish dude and go. We don't have time to banter."

"Fine. But next time you accuse me of something, I'm throwing you out a window." Felix heard a tapping sound after that, figuring one of the men tapped the window to emphasize.

The other man scoffed, but didn't say a word, rummaging through the nightstand.

"Hey! Focus! We're looking for a man. Not a pocket sized doll!"

The stranger rummaging through the nightstand stopped, rolling his eyes before making his way toward the wardrobe. "Ya think blondie could hide in here, Xander?"

"I don't know! It depends on how big the fucker is! If he's skinny as a rail, sure." The other man responded, making Felix growl softly.

"Well, just for good measure then.." The first one trailed off and a moment of silence passed before the wardrobe doors creaked open.

Felix held his breath, trying not to move an inch.

Another moment passed and the man hadn't made a sound, making Felix even more nervous, to the point where he felt sick and dizzy.

"Nope! Just a bunch of clothes and hangers and such. Man, this guy really needs to clean up 'round here." The wardrobe doors slammed shut again.

"Hey! Don't go slamming shit around! He could still be here! Come on, let's go search the girls room."

Felix finally released his breath when the men left, hopping out of the wardrobe clumsily after a good five minutes.

His shirt clung to his chest with sweat, beads gathering on his forehead and top lip. "Now I have to take a fucking shower.. but definitely not here."

Felix took a moments rest, looking down and gathering his thoughts. "Who are those people.. I mean, they're obviously the ones who took Sammy.. maybe I could follow them.." he looked back up, nodding to himself. "That's it then. I'm following kidnappers.. risking getting kidnapped.. good idea, Felix."

He sighed, walking over to the window and slowly lifting it up, feeling at ease as the cold wind hit his sweaty face. "Time to find Sammy."

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